I am soooo sick and miserable. I think I might have the flu after all. I went to the doctor AGAIN on Friday and she gave me a steroid shot, an antibiotic pack (b/c she can't decide what the hell is really wrong with me) and some cough medicine with codeine in it. I cant take the cough medicine b/c I cannot function on codeine. So I gave it to my bestest friend Jamie, he was happy. The Dr said she thought I might have the flu and asked me if it was possible that I got exposed. well DUH I work in a freakin hospital. I did get my flu shot this year tho, so supposedly even tho you get your flu shot you can still get the flu b/c there are so many new strains of flu and your symptoms are alot milder. Whatever. I hate being this sick everytime I cough really really hard I pee on myself a little.
TMI I know, sorry.
In my misery I just spent $90 on new plugs off BodyArtForms.com. What the hell was I thinking! Oh well Jamie asked me to order him some Kaos plugs b/c he lost one of his in the Hank III pit a few weeks ago and I just kept adding stuff to my cart for myself. I know he will at least pay for his stuff when it gets here so maybe I really only spent $60.
I can't find my lambie eye mask.

In my misery I just spent $90 on new plugs off BodyArtForms.com. What the hell was I thinking! Oh well Jamie asked me to order him some Kaos plugs b/c he lost one of his in the Hank III pit a few weeks ago and I just kept adding stuff to my cart for myself. I know he will at least pay for his stuff when it gets here so maybe I really only spent $60.