Finally Im home! I had a blast in Seattle, I had been missing Ella like crazy!!!! I cant beleive she still isnt live! wtf? We had so much fun we did the whole Luxury manicure/ pedicure thing. Ella had her nape peirced, I got a kickass tattoo, we went up in the space needle, spent 4 fucking hours waiting in line for Lola to see santa, watched Brokeback Mountain and I cried like a baby (again), shopped a ton, spent crazy amounts of money, and we pigged out for days! I love that in downtown Seattle there are randoom street performers and also we saw ths really coo house that had Betty Page painted on the side of it!!! Im exhausted and I have to go to Shreveport to see some family for christmas on Saturday. eek!

Late comment* but I have to say that tattoo is badass! Very nice taste 
