So maybe some of you know that I recently moved to a new apartment in Arlington (from Fort Worth) anyways I hate it. I moved in at the end of April and things were ok. But now they are just getting to be unbearable. My neighbors annoy the fuck out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dumb bitch who lives upstairs from me is always fighting with her man, who may or may not actually live there. A few weeks ago on a WEDNESDAY night he started knocking on my door at 2am. He continued to knock on my door for a good 20 minutes before I got up and was like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!???!" So he gave me some fucking story about locking himself out of his apartment and he needed to climb onto my balcony to get onto his balcony and get in the apartment. I was like whatever I cant help you buddy and I closed the door. So he proceeds to go around the outside of my aprtment climbs onto my balcony(im on the first floor) and then onto his and breaks into his place thru the patio door. Scary huh? its that fucking easy for someone to break into the ghetto ass apartments I live in. Anyways then all hell breaks loose upstairs. Apparently the lady who lives there had locked him out. By this time its easliy 3am. On a fucking weeknight. Im sorry but unlike my neighbors I dont live there on Section 8 housing and I have to be at work Mon-Fri at 7am.
As if that wasnt enough to make me hate these people, they also have one of those retarded surround sound stereo/tv who knows what up there. So I get to Listen to every tv show they watch and every bad Tejano song they play everyday from the time I get home until 1 or 2am when they decide to either leave or go to bed. Last night I went up there to tell them to shut the fuck up b/c I couldnt even hear my own TV over their shit and the lady came to the door with a black eye
said she was sorry and would turn it down but never did.
AND that is just the people upstairs from me!
I want to buy a house.
Im working on it.

As if that wasnt enough to make me hate these people, they also have one of those retarded surround sound stereo/tv who knows what up there. So I get to Listen to every tv show they watch and every bad Tejano song they play everyday from the time I get home until 1 or 2am when they decide to either leave or go to bed. Last night I went up there to tell them to shut the fuck up b/c I couldnt even hear my own TV over their shit and the lady came to the door with a black eye

AND that is just the people upstairs from me!
I want to buy a house.

it's in awful shape and really not even worth the trouble of trying to keep it on.
:le sigh: