So I just got back from a 45 minute walk/jog. I feel great.
I'm supposed to feel great, right? Since the last time I've posted on this website, I've dropped 20 lbs, had given up smoking and drinking, and have secluded myself from all evil, unnatural things that are poisoning my body.
I mean I felt really great! Up until 3 days ago..
One morning I woke up with the worst abdominal pain. I felt pressure in my diaphragm and felt like I had just been punched and needed to throw up at the same time. This has been happening over a period of 2 weeks where I'd wake up in the middle of the night and get COMPLETELY nauseous. Now after an expensive visit to the ER, come to find out, I have gallstones and my gall bladder needs to be taken out.
First of all, let me tell you that it's a miracle that I even decided to go to the doctor. I'm terrified of hospitals. Not when it's other people, only when I have to go for myself. That's when I start shaking in the boots.
So after that expensive little rendezvous with the ER, I'm told to follow up with a doctor (which I haven't done in years) and get myself on my blood pressure medication as well as my anxiety medications. Those 2 things are the only reasons why I'm deciding to go. I NEED my anti-anxiety meds, damnit!
Anyway, after that I need to go see a surgeon to 'discuss' my options. I don't think it takes rocket scientist to conclude that my gall bladder has pissed out it's lifespan and has decided to throw in the towel... I'm going to need this surgery.
Which costs $1,800. O_<
Kind of a big wad of money to toss away when you don't have health insurance, aye!?
Anyway, the point of this story is not to complain about my health problems, it's to talk about how I'm supposed to visit family in Miami for Xmas and can't have an awesome xmas dinner. I also am not allowed to drink on New Years...
I don't really mind seeing that I gave that stuff up, but the option isn't even available to me! THIS IS GOING TO SUCK. Then again, I can't complain. It could've been something much worse. I could've had liver cancer, heart failure, or whatever my hypochondriac ass has already assumed.
I think it's God's way of giving me a shove to help me lose my weight and I'm grateful. I have to stick with a low-fat diet as well as staying away from sugars and dark fluids. If I don't do that, I'll be cringing on the floor for hours overnight. Which would definitely be bad. Very bad.
This is just a nice little reminder to remember all the good things God has given you, to appreciate what you have, and to always look at the glass as half full! I know I am.
Just not looking forward to being put under and having somebody twiddle with my insides for 20 minutes. That sort of creeps me out.
I'm supposed to feel great, right? Since the last time I've posted on this website, I've dropped 20 lbs, had given up smoking and drinking, and have secluded myself from all evil, unnatural things that are poisoning my body.
I mean I felt really great! Up until 3 days ago..
One morning I woke up with the worst abdominal pain. I felt pressure in my diaphragm and felt like I had just been punched and needed to throw up at the same time. This has been happening over a period of 2 weeks where I'd wake up in the middle of the night and get COMPLETELY nauseous. Now after an expensive visit to the ER, come to find out, I have gallstones and my gall bladder needs to be taken out.
First of all, let me tell you that it's a miracle that I even decided to go to the doctor. I'm terrified of hospitals. Not when it's other people, only when I have to go for myself. That's when I start shaking in the boots.
So after that expensive little rendezvous with the ER, I'm told to follow up with a doctor (which I haven't done in years) and get myself on my blood pressure medication as well as my anxiety medications. Those 2 things are the only reasons why I'm deciding to go. I NEED my anti-anxiety meds, damnit!
Anyway, after that I need to go see a surgeon to 'discuss' my options. I don't think it takes rocket scientist to conclude that my gall bladder has pissed out it's lifespan and has decided to throw in the towel... I'm going to need this surgery.
Which costs $1,800. O_<
Kind of a big wad of money to toss away when you don't have health insurance, aye!?
Anyway, the point of this story is not to complain about my health problems, it's to talk about how I'm supposed to visit family in Miami for Xmas and can't have an awesome xmas dinner. I also am not allowed to drink on New Years...
I don't really mind seeing that I gave that stuff up, but the option isn't even available to me! THIS IS GOING TO SUCK. Then again, I can't complain. It could've been something much worse. I could've had liver cancer, heart failure, or whatever my hypochondriac ass has already assumed.
I think it's God's way of giving me a shove to help me lose my weight and I'm grateful. I have to stick with a low-fat diet as well as staying away from sugars and dark fluids. If I don't do that, I'll be cringing on the floor for hours overnight. Which would definitely be bad. Very bad.
This is just a nice little reminder to remember all the good things God has given you, to appreciate what you have, and to always look at the glass as half full! I know I am.

Just not looking forward to being put under and having somebody twiddle with my insides for 20 minutes. That sort of creeps me out.

Thank you. : )
Can't wait to see it.