Whitney # 3
Morning after
we sit, side by side
smoking guilty cigarettes;
not quite avoiding
but never joining eyes.
Lost in moods we can't explain,
with feelings we can't define.
I'm in class now but
my mind is wandering:
back to my apartment where
my stereo is still playing
that Ani CD.
We never seem to know when
to hit stop,
do we?
I start to say we should
maybe take a day off,
but that feels wrong.
How will I sleep without
you beside me?
Who will watch movies with me?
Who will find my keys?
My teacher hasn't showed yet,
and the whole class is
getting ready to leave.
I'm just kind of stuck here
trying to breathe, trying to think.
It gets hard some times when
you're not here with me.
Morning after,
we sit side by side
smoking cigarettes,
wondering which parts to hide
beneath the newness of things.
The ashtray receives
two more memories
and silently
we shuffle off to class .
1:49:00 PM hotsexonafriday: you know I keep getting added by so many SGs than I'm starting to wonder if they are collecting me
1:49:24 PM pdxmatt3345: ha. I've been accused of being an SG collector
1:49:52 PM hotsexonafriday: only new sgs who are so ignorant they think sgs are diff than regular girls start shit like that
1:50:18 PM pdxmatt3345: I've got my SG and that's all that matters to me
1:50:19 PM hotsexonafriday: i mean how offensive is it that they objectify themselves as if the girl didn't have any say in the matter
Morning after
we sit, side by side
smoking guilty cigarettes;
not quite avoiding
but never joining eyes.
Lost in moods we can't explain,
with feelings we can't define.
I'm in class now but
my mind is wandering:
back to my apartment where
my stereo is still playing
that Ani CD.
We never seem to know when
to hit stop,
do we?
I start to say we should
maybe take a day off,
but that feels wrong.
How will I sleep without
you beside me?
Who will watch movies with me?
Who will find my keys?
My teacher hasn't showed yet,
and the whole class is
getting ready to leave.
I'm just kind of stuck here
trying to breathe, trying to think.
It gets hard some times when
you're not here with me.
Morning after,
we sit side by side
smoking cigarettes,
wondering which parts to hide
beneath the newness of things.
The ashtray receives
two more memories
and silently
we shuffle off to class .
1:49:00 PM hotsexonafriday: you know I keep getting added by so many SGs than I'm starting to wonder if they are collecting me
1:49:24 PM pdxmatt3345: ha. I've been accused of being an SG collector
1:49:52 PM hotsexonafriday: only new sgs who are so ignorant they think sgs are diff than regular girls start shit like that
1:50:18 PM pdxmatt3345: I've got my SG and that's all that matters to me
1:50:19 PM hotsexonafriday: i mean how offensive is it that they objectify themselves as if the girl didn't have any say in the matter
but i'm gonna try.
anyways, there's atleast the one photo of me, right?
trying to e-flirt much?
*shakes head*
can i start a group of suicideWOMEN?
i'm over this whole GIRL thing.
arent i awesome?