guess who gave up half his tables, sat on his ass all night, going so far as to play a customer's dulcimer for a good while, and drank whiskey and coke while serving?
I did.
And I made over 5 dollars a table. 21 tables, 100+ dollars.
the guy who got my other 12 tables had 43 tickets, yeah, he made 56 bucks I think.
Sigh. God I love being efficiently lazy.
. Also I would like to announce that I have adopted a group of 4-7 teenage emo/indie kids as my own. My kids tip well, dress smart, and know how to dance. I love them and they are in good hands.
and I love YOU.
Pictures of my night after i get some effin sleep.
[<3] JWE
I did.
And I made over 5 dollars a table. 21 tables, 100+ dollars.
the guy who got my other 12 tables had 43 tickets, yeah, he made 56 bucks I think.
Sigh. God I love being efficiently lazy.

and I love YOU.
Pictures of my night after i get some effin sleep.
[<3] JWE

you'd have to talk to finch it's her spot...
there should totally be an emo/indie kid big brother/big sister program...