Almost completely packed, gf arrives in 42 hours and 58 minutes. ... no wait... 57... shit I need to type faster ... anyways, gd SG Beta makes it impossible to keep up with your friends so if I only read your journal like every third day, well then thats why. I just spent the last hour and half going back through everyone's journals and I know i'm usually very hesitant to add new people but I've found myself to be pleasantly surprised that I actually enjoyed reading all the new people's journal entries. I will die a painful death before i say blog with any thing but a mocking tone.
My day has been spent listening to the new Tilly and the Wall and mixing in some Spoon and MC Chris.
I love my guitar player, Minks is an awesome kid... but he's driving me crazy. See, i'm somewhat of an insomniac, especially in SF. It seems I am completely unable to sleep late here. I always wake up at around 730 or 8 and then he is just signing on two time zones away and every morning when I entertain fantasies of going back to sleep soon he barrages me with instant messages and information... has he no concept of TIME!?
My Teh, is the greatest of all nick names.
My day has been spent listening to the new Tilly and the Wall and mixing in some Spoon and MC Chris.
I love my guitar player, Minks is an awesome kid... but he's driving me crazy. See, i'm somewhat of an insomniac, especially in SF. It seems I am completely unable to sleep late here. I always wake up at around 730 or 8 and then he is just signing on two time zones away and every morning when I entertain fantasies of going back to sleep soon he barrages me with instant messages and information... has he no concept of TIME!?
My Teh, is the greatest of all nick names.
Yeah, I'm almost proud too.
