state of the owen:
1. money situation? is teh suck.
2. room mates? are teh lame.
3. job? pain in the ass...and knees, and back, and elbows...
4. my girlfriend? FUCKING PERFECT.
5. State of the Owen? I'm sittin on top of the world...
plans for the morning involve drinking beer for breakfast and reading about nintendo's new console as they announce it online and taking notes so my equally nerdy girlfriend will freak out about it and get excited with me when she gets off work. I pamper her with gaming news.... its true. and pictures of fighting robots...
thank you very nice for your sweet comments ^^

do you have a self portrait tattooed on you? and no.. i'm not blonde, i would never do that. chunks, dude, chunks of my hair are caramel colored. chunks.