well I just got home from 11 hours of work, on a fourteen hour work day and I just wanted to say FUCK ALL OF YOU FUCKERS.
No comments, no messages, no emails.
Oh and, thank you to whoever finally made the messageboards relevant to the cable modem era. Jesus was that over due.
ps. ilarix10+5
I know, I'm only a hot commodity at the moment because I'm leaving.
Everyone is saying please don't go, but I know its just supply and demand.
No one means it, it's ok, I understand.
The ex's are coming out of the woodworks and
its a good thing I don't have free time,
cuz we could do enough damage to last a life time.
When I think of my friends and family,
the tears well up but don't fall
I guess because I'm already gone.
I can't save them, I can't leave them behind
I'm already west, this is just a rerun of a former life.
I guess thats why my profile already has a new home
complete with a San Franciscan zip code.
So i'll sleep, and drink, and write and try
as hard as I can not to think about
all the love I'm leaving behind
I'm just a motorized sign
cardboard hand, slowly, waving...
No comments, no messages, no emails.
Oh and, thank you to whoever finally made the messageboards relevant to the cable modem era. Jesus was that over due.
ps. ilarix10+5
I know, I'm only a hot commodity at the moment because I'm leaving.
Everyone is saying please don't go, but I know its just supply and demand.
No one means it, it's ok, I understand.
The ex's are coming out of the woodworks and
its a good thing I don't have free time,
cuz we could do enough damage to last a life time.
When I think of my friends and family,
the tears well up but don't fall
I guess because I'm already gone.
I can't save them, I can't leave them behind
I'm already west, this is just a rerun of a former life.
I guess thats why my profile already has a new home
complete with a San Franciscan zip code.
So i'll sleep, and drink, and write and try
as hard as I can not to think about
all the love I'm leaving behind
I'm just a motorized sign
cardboard hand, slowly, waving...
i like the new prof picture...eh who am i kidding i like any pic of you :p