GD IT!!!
marigold tagged me. damnit.
20 things about me that bla bla bla
1. I'm shorter than all of you think, unless you've met me.
2. I'm a total techblog reading, apple obsessing, ipod swapping, windows bashing, foaming at the mouth for the PS3 cyber whore geek.
3. I practically live at my Waffle House. I am the Waffle Buddha, and I have a pack of Indie followers who do my bidding and leave me huge tips when I actually decide to work. Most of the time I just draw and refuse to pay for my food.
4. I'm bipolar in all things. I like only the cheapest of beer or the most expensive. PBR or Guiness/Sam Adams. I have spent 3 dollars ona bottle of champagne and 300 dollars on two bottles.
5. I've had more sex than I will ever admit, less than most people guess, and I did it all for the wrong reasons. Lesson learned? Giving someone an orgasm won't prevent them from leaving you. It will only delay it.
6. I hate surveys.
7. i am blind in one eye, I have a huge scar on my head, I have a birthmark that resembles a third nipple, and when I was born I came out hand first. Doctor said I'd make a great politician.
8. I admit that a young girl looks alot older the hotter she is. I also admit that that is gross and sad. But hey, I just work here.
9. I admit that one big reason for laving the south is because i am tired of traveling to big cities to make out on buses and trains with girls who are actually as smart as me. City love is the only kind worth having and while nashville is surprisingly large, its almost as if every smart girl within a hundred miles left the second she turned 18.
10. my original answer for # 10 didn't even make sense to me. It had something to do with slavery and bathing in the blood of a certain host of the O'Reilly Factor.
11. I'm terrified of death.
12. During sex is the only time I feel free from myself.
13. My love for my ibook, Cadillac, and ipod make me a terrible Buddhist.
14. When I was in primary school, they put me in special ed classes because they didn't have a gifted student program. They would lock me in the closet when I was bad and all the kids called me retarded and I got into ALOT of fights. It didn't lead to a whole lot of enrichment.
15. I'm probably still more fond of snow then I will ever admit.
16. I played football for 12 years and not a day goes by that i don't miss it.
17. I'm more conservative and reserved than anyone realizes.I would love to vote Republican if only I could find a candidate with a soul and who could actually be fiscally responsible (as opposed to either insanely cheap and thrifty, or just damn the torpedoes crazy spending all you can and abolishing taxes in one dumb swoop).
18. I don't know a thing about grammar. I have to make it up because my education was so abysmal.
19. I'm still in love with my ex-fiancee. it ended almost 3 years ago.
20. I want to be a sports writer.
Also, I forget to say... TAG!Bailey you're it.
marigold tagged me. damnit.
20 things about me that bla bla bla
1. I'm shorter than all of you think, unless you've met me.
2. I'm a total techblog reading, apple obsessing, ipod swapping, windows bashing, foaming at the mouth for the PS3 cyber whore geek.
3. I practically live at my Waffle House. I am the Waffle Buddha, and I have a pack of Indie followers who do my bidding and leave me huge tips when I actually decide to work. Most of the time I just draw and refuse to pay for my food.
4. I'm bipolar in all things. I like only the cheapest of beer or the most expensive. PBR or Guiness/Sam Adams. I have spent 3 dollars ona bottle of champagne and 300 dollars on two bottles.
5. I've had more sex than I will ever admit, less than most people guess, and I did it all for the wrong reasons. Lesson learned? Giving someone an orgasm won't prevent them from leaving you. It will only delay it.
6. I hate surveys.
7. i am blind in one eye, I have a huge scar on my head, I have a birthmark that resembles a third nipple, and when I was born I came out hand first. Doctor said I'd make a great politician.
8. I admit that a young girl looks alot older the hotter she is. I also admit that that is gross and sad. But hey, I just work here.
9. I admit that one big reason for laving the south is because i am tired of traveling to big cities to make out on buses and trains with girls who are actually as smart as me. City love is the only kind worth having and while nashville is surprisingly large, its almost as if every smart girl within a hundred miles left the second she turned 18.
10. my original answer for # 10 didn't even make sense to me. It had something to do with slavery and bathing in the blood of a certain host of the O'Reilly Factor.
11. I'm terrified of death.
12. During sex is the only time I feel free from myself.
13. My love for my ibook, Cadillac, and ipod make me a terrible Buddhist.
14. When I was in primary school, they put me in special ed classes because they didn't have a gifted student program. They would lock me in the closet when I was bad and all the kids called me retarded and I got into ALOT of fights. It didn't lead to a whole lot of enrichment.
15. I'm probably still more fond of snow then I will ever admit.
16. I played football for 12 years and not a day goes by that i don't miss it.
17. I'm more conservative and reserved than anyone realizes.I would love to vote Republican if only I could find a candidate with a soul and who could actually be fiscally responsible (as opposed to either insanely cheap and thrifty, or just damn the torpedoes crazy spending all you can and abolishing taxes in one dumb swoop).
18. I don't know a thing about grammar. I have to make it up because my education was so abysmal.
19. I'm still in love with my ex-fiancee. it ended almost 3 years ago.
20. I want to be a sports writer.
Also, I forget to say... TAG!Bailey you're it.
i understand this concept all too well....a lot of the actual tenants of what the republican party is supposed to be make sense to me...however, a great majority of what it is in
You fooled me with the grammar thing, too.