Quick little update blog
So my 2021 has been a stressful one so far, as it has been for many others. I feel like I've spent the past few months constantly worried about money or my family members health, I've gotten to the point were I'm beyond annoyed with myself every time I go into a fresh panic.
The past two weeks I've been taken Care of my mother whilst she has had a stomach bug from hell and as she's slowly recovered, she has managed to lose shy of a stone in less than 5 days but she's slowly getting back to her old self
Whilst taking care of my mothership I've managed to fit in some arts and crafts as it's the only thing that genuinely destresses and helps me be able to take a breath and centre myself again heres a little look at some of my recent resin creations
My recent money stresses and some severe cheerleading and persuading from my close family and friends means I'm actually trying to sell some of my creations locally to top up my income.
Also if you'd like to help out a very stressed and struggling crazy art lady out I'm in dire need of crafting and resin supplies and would greatly appreciate any help
It was also my Birthday earlier this month! I just want to say a huge thank you to my followers who left me lots of lovely birthday messages and wishes! Also like to say a huge thank you to the followers who got me presents off my wishlist for my birthday! I had a very quiet chilled out Birthday this year filled with puppy snuggles and tea
That's all for now folks!
I shall try to stress less and post more
@missy @lemon @rambo @sean