So last night was the 4th night in a row that i dreamed that my grandmom was alive. Since she passed i've had that dream quite a bit. But everynight now... I dont mind though, i don't cry about it anymore. It makes me happy. Cause i see her and hear her voice everything which is better than never. It gets me through my days. Last night was a dream within a dream. In my dream i dreamed she died and i woke up and she was there. It felt sooo good, i wonder if that really is her in my dreams. Like in the movie Stepmom, before she dies of cancer. She tells her son, we'll always have our dreams. I dont know how much i believe into the whole god thing/afterlife, but its probably her as far as i'm concerned. Or at least that is what i would like to think. I think she would be really proud of me, and how i've been with keith. I wish i had something to really update about, but not a whole lot has been going on. On friday i went to the phillies game vs. The Braves, and we got our asses handed to us. Funny how they beat the braves the other 2 games in the series. AND did i mention how fucking cold it was? 4 sweatshirts and a blanket just wasn't enough, we left after the 5th inning cause well there was no way we were going to win. Did anyone see the game last night..... hahahahahahaha. I'm kinda excited for the basketball playoffs, i like that Andre Iguodala guy. I'm excied that we wont be playing the heat in the first round. Gives us a chance to get past round one.... although we beat them last week. But still i would rather it happened later. I really like sports. But shhhhh. Well my uncle just left for work, so that is my cue to get back in bed. In the phone rings before 11 i will kill someone.

it was chick breast on a stick. It was good, they hid it under the title of Satay, and I bet they had coke.