so i just saw the foulest breasts ever through a friend of a friend. I am now pretty much scarred for life.
Does anyone know what today is? Its American Idol Tuesday, and the obsession begins yet again this year.
I got to see an all new everwood today, and a new battle of the sexes. Jeez those shows make me happy.
I also made an appearance at the gym, to hang out with my sister and to exercise. It was wierd two boys i've known for a very long time were there. I hate them pretty much though. So quite awkward stares were glared.
Tennis is on the television now, and how i love it. I want to play right now. But i'm tired, cant run and its like 10 degrees outside. So there are some things holding me back at the moment.
I ran into an old friend from high school the other day at papa johns and we exchanged numbers. It will be cool to hang out again. We made fun of people that we both used to be friends with. A certain loser who now calls Elizabethtown College home. I hope somehow he reads this and knows more then I hate him.
I drank way to much milk today. But for me any milk is too much and when you drink two 10 oz glasses of it with cupcakes you know your in trouble. The cool thing about the cupcakes was when i bought them at the store today, they all came in 12 pakes- 6 chocolate and 6 vanilla. If anyone knows me they know i hate chocolate and would normally just let them go to waste. But today was my lucky day and i found a messed up pack where the worker screwed up and made them all vanilla. Now i have 12 ALL vanilla cupcakes.
I took out all of my piercings today, except i put my plugs back in, and i left a rook. My tongue feels really wierd but i'm sure i'll get used to it. I've missed being able to eat a lollipop properly, the way i did when i was a kid. I miss those days. Sneaking the baseball mit ice cream from the ice cream man, because it had the gum ball on it. When there was no way in hell i was allowed to have gum. I still think there is some rule of my grandmoms forbidding me from gum. I just dont listen to it.
I love strawberry ring candys. I want the Usher and Kelly Clarkson new CD'S, even Eminem. I want to go to the bahamas and walk in clearish water. I want to fly in an airplane. I want to go on a roadtrip. I want to be healthy with insurance. I want to be in the shape i was a month and a half ago, with a 6 pack. I want to enjoy drinking water, and eating salad and fruit. I want the Eagles to beat the Falcons, even though stephen likes the falcons.
I want MAC makeup. I want a tan. I want hair extensions/ or my hair to grow much quicker then it is. I want to be financially stable, which would entail me getting another job, which i'm not capable of right now. Most of all above those, i want to be happy, and for the people around me who care about me to be happy. So if your an asshole i hope you are
Also i want comments.
Does anyone know what today is? Its American Idol Tuesday, and the obsession begins yet again this year.
I got to see an all new everwood today, and a new battle of the sexes. Jeez those shows make me happy.
I also made an appearance at the gym, to hang out with my sister and to exercise. It was wierd two boys i've known for a very long time were there. I hate them pretty much though. So quite awkward stares were glared.
Tennis is on the television now, and how i love it. I want to play right now. But i'm tired, cant run and its like 10 degrees outside. So there are some things holding me back at the moment.
I ran into an old friend from high school the other day at papa johns and we exchanged numbers. It will be cool to hang out again. We made fun of people that we both used to be friends with. A certain loser who now calls Elizabethtown College home. I hope somehow he reads this and knows more then I hate him.
I drank way to much milk today. But for me any milk is too much and when you drink two 10 oz glasses of it with cupcakes you know your in trouble. The cool thing about the cupcakes was when i bought them at the store today, they all came in 12 pakes- 6 chocolate and 6 vanilla. If anyone knows me they know i hate chocolate and would normally just let them go to waste. But today was my lucky day and i found a messed up pack where the worker screwed up and made them all vanilla. Now i have 12 ALL vanilla cupcakes.
I took out all of my piercings today, except i put my plugs back in, and i left a rook. My tongue feels really wierd but i'm sure i'll get used to it. I've missed being able to eat a lollipop properly, the way i did when i was a kid. I miss those days. Sneaking the baseball mit ice cream from the ice cream man, because it had the gum ball on it. When there was no way in hell i was allowed to have gum. I still think there is some rule of my grandmoms forbidding me from gum. I just dont listen to it.
I love strawberry ring candys. I want the Usher and Kelly Clarkson new CD'S, even Eminem. I want to go to the bahamas and walk in clearish water. I want to fly in an airplane. I want to go on a roadtrip. I want to be healthy with insurance. I want to be in the shape i was a month and a half ago, with a 6 pack. I want to enjoy drinking water, and eating salad and fruit. I want the Eagles to beat the Falcons, even though stephen likes the falcons.
I want MAC makeup. I want a tan. I want hair extensions/ or my hair to grow much quicker then it is. I want to be financially stable, which would entail me getting another job, which i'm not capable of right now. Most of all above those, i want to be happy, and for the people around me who care about me to be happy. So if your an asshole i hope you are
Also i want comments.


Missed you at the gym today...

YES. At least I thought that was you... I haven't said hello to you in the past, because you made it sound like you don't like to be bothered when you're working out. Do you want me to say hello sometime when I see you? Do you like my Sasquatch imitation? (less the hairy bits)