sorry for the lack of updating. Its been a rough week.
I got my hair highlighted brown and lots of blond today. It looks hot.
My g-mom is in the hopsital so i've been playing momma to my uncle, and it makes me feel all responsible. Cause you i am the food beholder.
I did all my laundry today, well almost all. I was quite sad i couldn't fit it all into one very large load. Cause now it took up sooooo much time.
Over the past 3 days i have seen about 35 episodes of law and order, due to the marathons they have been having on USA and TNT... and honestly i wouldn't say it was 35 different episodes. Probably 25 different episodes, and i watched repeats over and over.
I hate eating, it makes my tummy hurt.
I've crapped out of the gym lately... because for the past week and a half its hurt to run, and made me have to pee. I started working on my arms, and i love it.
I went swimming on new years eve. Only for about 10 minutes, cause the family reunion in the pool was utterly annoying.
Wilmington, DE on new years is pretty cool, they have a fair type of thing with rides and FUNNEL CAKE!
I went to IHOP on new years day... and.... i freakin ate the whole breakfast sampler, which consists of, 2 eggs, 2 sausage, 2 ham, 2 bacon, a lot of hashbrowns, and 2 pancakes. I also ordered a side of toast (2 slices) which i also devoured... it seemed like i hadn't eaten in weeks.
On new years we ordered porn at the hotel. WORST PORN EVER. no plot, no nothin.
I really want some Wendys nuggetts right now, but its 11:30, and you know if i went they would taste like ass.... and not even good ass, that is if i knew what real ass tasted like.
I will make a promise to myself to go to the gym and tanning tomorrow. It will make me happy and i need a little bit of that right now. So some encouragement would be welcomed.
Well i should go to the dryer and collect the rest of my clothing, then sleep since i have to be up at 6 for my uncle and then work a few hours.
I love SG.
I got my hair highlighted brown and lots of blond today. It looks hot.
My g-mom is in the hopsital so i've been playing momma to my uncle, and it makes me feel all responsible. Cause you i am the food beholder.
I did all my laundry today, well almost all. I was quite sad i couldn't fit it all into one very large load. Cause now it took up sooooo much time.
Over the past 3 days i have seen about 35 episodes of law and order, due to the marathons they have been having on USA and TNT... and honestly i wouldn't say it was 35 different episodes. Probably 25 different episodes, and i watched repeats over and over.
I hate eating, it makes my tummy hurt.
I've crapped out of the gym lately... because for the past week and a half its hurt to run, and made me have to pee. I started working on my arms, and i love it.
I went swimming on new years eve. Only for about 10 minutes, cause the family reunion in the pool was utterly annoying.
Wilmington, DE on new years is pretty cool, they have a fair type of thing with rides and FUNNEL CAKE!
I went to IHOP on new years day... and.... i freakin ate the whole breakfast sampler, which consists of, 2 eggs, 2 sausage, 2 ham, 2 bacon, a lot of hashbrowns, and 2 pancakes. I also ordered a side of toast (2 slices) which i also devoured... it seemed like i hadn't eaten in weeks.
On new years we ordered porn at the hotel. WORST PORN EVER. no plot, no nothin.
I really want some Wendys nuggetts right now, but its 11:30, and you know if i went they would taste like ass.... and not even good ass, that is if i knew what real ass tasted like.
I will make a promise to myself to go to the gym and tanning tomorrow. It will make me happy and i need a little bit of that right now. So some encouragement would be welcomed.
Well i should go to the dryer and collect the rest of my clothing, then sleep since i have to be up at 6 for my uncle and then work a few hours.
I love SG.

apparently we're not the only sisters that do the butt dance.