So last night was interesting. I got drunk, and asked to hook up with this girl i'm friends with. Jay was begging, and stephen said i should just do it to make him happy. So i did. I also almost personally killed pj, cause for some reason he had to fucking snore all night, so i turned the heater on all the way so it would drain out some of the noise so i could sleep... but no he just got louder. How the hell is that possible. So hear i sit typing this with a headache, and i'm starving. I'm being taken on a "date" tonight. Out to dinner to Outback, which i've been wanting for a while now. I think i'm going to nap for an hour or two, then go to the gym, and then i have to grocery shop. Hmmmm maybe there isn't much time for the nap.... but i think its quite needed.

nothing says love like a bloomin onion
work out for me: I'm lazy boy #1 this weekend.