so the boyfriend and i went to Daytona Florida for a reptile show last week. i wish i would have had more fun. unfortunately there were no Galop. tortoises at the show, all i got to see that was fun were alligators and crocs, oh and a Matamata. i see ball morphs enough as is, and it seemed like that's all that was there at the show. oh well, at least i got to go swim in the ocean and see little crabs etc. not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. however, over the weekend i did recieve my acceptance notice from the Toni&Guy Academy. so i'm "officially" ready to go. hooray for me and being a hair stylist. hopefully within the next year or so the boyfriend and i can get a larger house, with more snakey room and room for my CANE CORSO!!! wee.