i feel like shit. my stomach is killing me, i'm tired, and i don't want to go to work tomorrow. but, in good news, it's raining here! so the air outside smells good and rainy. i need to go to the store and get babyfood for the crested geckos. we have like a million babies now. it's kind of overwhelming. once the weather cools off i'll try and sell them and make a little money. i hope it rains enough to get the dirt off my cars windshield. i hate when it drizzles and then the dirt spots are worse. so annoying! okay, i guess i'm gonna go lay down and hope that the nausea goes away. blegh. gah. snarfle.

Sucks that you feel nausuated. I think out of everything when being sick thats the worst. equate brand makes this anti-nausea medicine thats pretty cheap and works a whole whole lot and doesnt taste that bad. I take it alot for hangovers and when im sick.
I love that smell of rain and the sound. It rained here yesterday.
Hope you feel better soon.
Im not going bald. Im too Italian for that. =)
but thank you for the kind words anyways ... lol*