today we went swimming with the puppies. unfortunately it wasn't the most fun due to icky period cramping. blegh. and work has really gotten absurd lately. since i'm leaving my boss has turned into a total bitch and there's constant drama going on. it's really annoying. i wish it was october. october is supposed to be the month of "beginnings," for the boyfriend and i. meaning, i will be starting school (on my way to a career and decent money) and his high-ends should start breeding (we will have extra chunks of money coming in from the clutches). so let's hope everything goes as we plan. my craving for moving has become greater lately. but i know i must be patient. Maine is looking perfectly appealing these days. the scenery is just amazing, and you have white sand beaches with the bonus of the forest etc. sounds fucking awesome if you ask me and PLUS we can go white water rafting from our own backyards!!!! anyways, i'm gonna go eat some ice cream with chocolate syrup. yum.