so today is the precious boys birthday!!! woot. oh how i love him so. today i called in "sick" to work and slept in. then the boyfriend came home and we went to lunch, then to IKEA with his mom, then out to dinner with my family because it's my moms birthday today as well. my two favorite people born on the same day....that fucking rocks. unfortunately there wasn't fun gift giving because we're saving for our trip to Daytona for the reptile convention. today i also had fun with the boyfriends camera. i really suck at taking pictures but i think its fun, so check 'em out. AND on happy news, i put in my notice of leaving at my work. my last day will be Sept. 30 at that animal hospital hell. not to say i didn't love working with the animals, i just fucking hate what i do and my boss etc. starting in October it's back to cosmo school for 6 months and then i'm DONE and onto my career in styling etc. fun fun. and $$$. thats all for now!