so life has been pretty upsetting lately. my parents and i had to take our precious snorter Loafy to the emergency hospital. she had an infected uterus that has to be removed. emergency sx. she got through that okay (she's 11) then her trachea collapsed and she had to be put in an oxygen chamber and we were pretty sure she wasn't going to make it. my mom just stopped by this afternoon and she's breathing on her own, and doing okay. but unless she stays stable my parents can't afford to keep paying thousands so we might have to do the worse thing possible. everyone cross your fingers that she makes it through tonight. the dr. said that if she stays how she is now for the rest of the night she can go home. it's seriously, the most depressing thing to think of my little loafster being so sick. she's so lethargic. it's so unlike her. so again, everyone keep your hopes up for my little pug. i love her very much

Fingers and everthing else I have is crossed for her.

*hugs* my fingers are crossed...