so spending your day with awesome clients is the best. so far, i have not had one crappy client in school. (knock on wood). all have been very nice, generous, happy people. man oh man, it's a dream career if you ask me! i'm really going to miss the girls at school when i'm done. i haven't been around such a large group of genuinely nice girls before. i hope we all stay in touch and maybe even work at the same salon?! i have definitely come to an official decision that i will do absolutely NO free hair EVER out of my house. i'm coming across this situation right now, and i mean seriously, i know i have a great talent/skill and if someone wants to take up my precious time they better pay me for it. i mean, if you're a close friend i'll help you out, but otherwise, forget it. seriously annoying. on a happy note i sold my dvds on ebay and ordered new clothes online! i'm very excited because i've really needed a shopping spree. and this weekend, i MUST purchase some MAC. it's been too long. i hope everyone is doing well, i feel like i've been a crappy SG friend lately. but i guess everyone gets busy and that's just what happens. anywho, kisses for all!

the only time i ran into any freeloaders was when someone asked me to teach them how to groom their standard poodles. i wanted at least 300. they didnt understand that they could pay me 300 once or 80 per clip for the rest of the dogs' lives. anyway...
im always happy when you buy more MAC, it usually means more pictures