thanksgiving was yummy. lots of good food was eaten and i had 5 days off from school!!
so that was a nice break. we have the house all decorated for christmas already!!! hehe. i love holiday times. we also went to a car show thingy on Turkey day morning and i got to see my future car....the new Audi A3. so cute. suits me well. i have pictures of cars etc but i'm too lazy to organize a post right now. we had our extensions class today that was very interesting. the braiding/bonding extensions seem pretty easy to me. i can't wait until we learn fusion. again, i want to travel so badly. i'm hoping that my dad is going to take us to Vancouver BC for my graduation. i want to go there so badly and i really would LOVE to live there/work but i've heard it's practically impossible not being canadian.
but we shall see!!!! hope everyone is well and had a good holiday. next update shall have pics.

Seems like everyone loves the Ginks.