so i have the smartest boyfriend in the world. talking to him always helps things make sense. so fuck whatever i said before. i have a natural talent and i should put it to good use ($$). so rental i shall go. i'm done with school in less than 4 months. i'll get my extensions training going, then i'll be off to make the big bucks. i know it will take time, but i think it will be worth it in the long run!
i just ate some skittles and took a few pics of my sleepy Walter. he's the bestest.
and some of him when the boy and i were helping him with stuck shed:
now i'm gonna go be lazy and take a nap! yay.
....on another note, thinking about future career stuff, maybe i will go to T&G?? BAH! i dunno what i'm going to do. help.

and some of him when the boy and i were helping him with stuck shed:


now i'm gonna go be lazy and take a nap! yay.
....on another note, thinking about future career stuff, maybe i will go to T&G?? BAH! i dunno what i'm going to do. help.
If you move to another location it is well within your rights to let your clients know where you've gone. Just keep a little address book of your clients phone numbers, especially the repeat customers, and if you move someplace else let them know.