thank goodness school is over with today. we've been having these color classes on Wed and they can be soooooo boring. i have the hardest time sitting through lectures. but on a happier note we get another free day this Saturday so i will be cutting some cute girls hairs and if i remember i'll take pictures!! woot. my stomach hurts a lot. blegh.
but again on a happier note the boots i ordered from Delias have been shipped so they should be here in a few. i love getting things in the mail, so exciting. and our yard is done and great. i've been slacking with the photos lately so i'll have to take some and then post a more exciting update. hope all is well with everyone!!!!!!

Im glad school is going great for you... I love delias boots.. I just love boots
so what all did you do to your yard? Gettin ready to plant some bulbs for next spring (tulips etc..) im beginning to become a susie homaker.. i love it..