so the boyfriend is home now....things are back to happiness.
i'm trying to sell my Toni&Guy Classic Collection cut/colour dvds. if you, or anyone you know might be interested please contact me. i'm also selling my last few Crested Geckos, so any reptile lovers out gotta have one! in other news, i start taking clients tomorrow in school. it's about damn time! i spent...
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good luck with the assistant position and i hope your reptiles find good homes.

You are highly stinky. I think there's a fair chance that you have smellybumitis. You should see a doctor.
so things have been getting better than my last entry. my mom took me out last monday for some girl time and shopping which was wonderful! again, retail therapy saves lives people! school has been boring as hell. i can't stand being there and learning/doing nothing. they need to have better things planned for us when we're assisting. right now there are 20+ girls assisting...
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I like the choice of eye colour.
You shouldn't feel lame because your hair is too cute! (Some days, you've got to just start with the small things.) 

i am sooooooooo incredibly hormonal it's unbelievable. at least i hope thats what it is, or else i'm really that unhappy. some asshole driver who doesn't know how to stop at a stop sign pulled up next to my car to call me a "fucking cunt," because i didn't slow down for him (you see, i had no stop sign, HE DID). and then i...
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reptiles are super expensive. we were spending almost $150 a week just for food and substrate for our tortioises!
i hope today is better for you. maybe it was just cause of the 13th??? ps. that driver was a fartface!! i hate people like that!

reptiles are super expensive. we were spending almost $150 a week just for food and substrate for our tortioises!

Ice cream heals everything
I hope thins have gotten better since you posted this

I hope thins have gotten better since you posted this

i feel i'm getting the "itch," to travel again. i've been trying really hard to just focus on school/work and be happy living in AZ. but my mind is wandering.....dreaming of the UK and Australia. checking out real estate. looking at all sorts of salons. eeeep!
sometimes i just don't know what to do with my brain. $$$ is needed for traveling and moving and...
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Then you have to travel to Greece..Really low prices,great places to visit and fun 24 hours a day..

i live in west by god virginia and its pretty lame here.. now Ohio is cool.. columbus or cinncy are awesome lots of cool things to do.. um i really like charlotte NC.. and i love Florida too.. i have always wanted to go to ireland or australia..

i'm assisting for 2 weeks in school now before they let me take clients. it's really annoying because i already have more hours and talent then the other girls but it's the Toni&Guy way. so i'm going to be bored out of my fucking mind for the next few weeks. so please excuse me if i'm crabby sometimes.
another stupid thing is that they...
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i'm assisting for 2 weeks in school now before they let me take clients. it's really annoying because i already have more hours and talent then the other girls but it's the Toni&Guy way. so i'm going to be bored out of my fucking mind for the next few weeks. so please excuse me if i'm crabby sometimes.

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Thanks for the message. job can be hell sometimes...having to be nice to arrogant idiots. Being a television lackey is caca
What are you supposed to do with cameras if not photo-whoring?!? That's why they were invented. Trust me, I know.
Good luck with the other job!

What are you supposed to do with cameras if not photo-whoring?!? That's why they were invented. Trust me, I know.
Good luck with the other job!
your boys mom is super cool to buy you such a nice necklace. my mother in law is a buttface and she usually buys me crap! or sometimes even things i would swear are regifted!
i love your hair in those pictures so much! i keep checking them out. you look so hot!

i love your hair in those pictures so much! i keep checking them out. you look so hot!

happy new years everyone! the boy and i went to dinner at his brothers which was delicious and then i came home and went to bed at 10:30....i know, i'm lame. i'm just not a real exciting person i guess. whatever. yesterday we went shopping and i got new stuff!! i LOVE shopping i've decided...when i have money to spend. which is rare. but still...
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ok, so when you and your man start a travelling reptile circus, send me the dates!
i like trying things on. especially items i would never wear in public. the few times ive gone "shopping" i had really good intentions when i made the purchases. these clothes rarely, if ever, see the light of day, so i dont shop.
there is a jiffy lube adjacent to a mall. the last time i got my oil changed, i stumbled upon norstrom's separate sunglasses store. its enough to come your pants, no fucking joke. i did, like, four times.
i like trying things on. especially items i would never wear in public. the few times ive gone "shopping" i had really good intentions when i made the purchases. these clothes rarely, if ever, see the light of day, so i dont shop.
there is a jiffy lube adjacent to a mall. the last time i got my oil changed, i stumbled upon norstrom's separate sunglasses store. its enough to come your pants, no fucking joke. i did, like, four times.
UPCOMING EVENT:SGAZ Open Event 5 & Diner dinner and meet and greet!
This is an open event you've been waiting for! You'll need to attend if you really want into SAGZ
The address is in the link above. We picked a centralish location, so hopefully no one has to drive to far.
Please be sure to bring a few bucks more than you think you need. Remember tax and tip.
We are likely to head for beers somewhere afterwards, so keep that in mind as well.
Yay your christmas eyes look awesome good job! Merry Christmas and have a happy and safe new year!
thanks for peeping out one of my moives 

so tonight we went to a friends college graduation party deal. it was good times with good company. i love socializing with families and adults. i'm not into the whole "party" scene...i'm kind of like an old lady, hah. last night we also had my brothers college grad dinner which was awesome! lots of celebration going on this week. tomorrow is the boys neices birthday...
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APBTs rule!
yeah, that would get old. I love the rain! I've got good windows for rain too...
so last night was so much fun at my parents house. the brothers were there, myself and the boy, parents and aunt/cousin from out of town. i just love my family. they're always so funny and easy going. never stressful to hang out no matter how long it has been since i've seen them. i really wish i saw everyone more....kind of makes me sad...
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Glad you had a good time with the family... i also like getting together with mine for the holidays.. Makes me remember when i was little and when we used to celebrate christmas... wow sooo long ago... Anyway enough mushyness... A hairstylist can NEVER have icky nails
i seem to forget about my own nails when i make everyone else's gorgeous.. Dont you just love it when your nails are done... makes me happy
p.s it looks like he is having fun upside down
[Edited on Dec 13, 2005 10:31PM]

p.s it looks like he is having fun upside down

[Edited on Dec 13, 2005 10:31PM]
walter is so freaking cute!!! and rocks rule! i think my collection would be the first thing id grab if i was ever in a fire.

so another test out today on my mom! came out so cute, i just love her....always such a happy little bird. my auntie and my moms cousin are in town for the weekend. sadly, they're visiting because another cousin of my moms has cancer and isn't doing very well.
however, though a sad situation it is always nice to see family. so tonight we're going...
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i absolutely love your new profle pic!
and that is my favorite part of the holidays~wrapping presents~its one of the only times i can be creative and have the final product look good.
im glad youre feeling better~what kind of restaurant are you going to?

you should get a weekend job wrapping presents at a retail store for the holiday season. just for fun, and to fuck with people.
i wish i could go to az, for many reasons. the obvious would be a nice weather change. also i need someone with whom i can comiserate about my dog situation. the situation being that my boyfriend refuses to have a dog over 70lbs. this means no mastiff breeds!!!! after that, you could practice on my hair
i wish i could go to az, for many reasons. the obvious would be a nice weather change. also i need someone with whom i can comiserate about my dog situation. the situation being that my boyfriend refuses to have a dog over 70lbs. this means no mastiff breeds!!!! after that, you could practice on my hair

THE SNAKES ARE BREEDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so excited. all the boyfriends work is finally paying off. now we just need some eggs and lots of $$$$$$
on a crappy note, i'm home sick from school. no "real" dinner+popcorn+diet coke=incredibly nauseous me. stomach hurting a lot and blegh'ness.
i think i'm gonna go back to bed.

aw! feel better sweety!
Fingers crossed!
everything for school couldn't have gone better. my test outs were amazing....i'm so proud! unfortunatley, i forgot my camera so i don't have any pics right now
i cleaned house today, the boy is at some driving class for getting a speeding ticket which totally sucks. sunday is pretty much "our" day since we're both at home. poo. been doing more searching of real estate...
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and I really like the A3, it's about time we got it here in the states...
im glad that youre getting closer to living your dream.
but who the fuck wants to move from arizona to canada?!?! your system will go into shock. plus your dogs will freeze! go to san fran
but who the fuck wants to move from arizona to canada?!?! your system will go into shock. plus your dogs will freeze! go to san fran