sorry about the retarded update people. was feeling a bit restless at the time. i really want a vacation in the mountains. colorado somewhere preferably. i miss the mountain air. being in the middle of a hugely growing city isn't so nice. no peace and quiet anywhere. well, at least i used my flat iron to make some curls this morning. going to have lunch...
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welll.....i'm a mrs. now, i'm not working nineteen billion hours a week, hence me having time to say hiyee!!!
lots going on, but trying to stay sane and roll with everything.
hey, is there a wonderfully nice black man that works at tigi still by the name of Samuel? soft spoken, kind, great hair? also a colorist by the name of erin? i cant remeber their last names at the moment, but those two were a joy for me when i was slaving away at fashion square.
any way... where in the mountains would you go? i am missing arizona a bit, i'm not sure why. maybe because i need to get tattooed and one of my favorite artists is in tempe...
ho hum...
tell meeee things!
lots going on, but trying to stay sane and roll with everything.
hey, is there a wonderfully nice black man that works at tigi still by the name of Samuel? soft spoken, kind, great hair? also a colorist by the name of erin? i cant remeber their last names at the moment, but those two were a joy for me when i was slaving away at fashion square.
any way... where in the mountains would you go? i am missing arizona a bit, i'm not sure why. maybe because i need to get tattooed and one of my favorite artists is in tempe...
ho hum...
tell meeee things!
it will pass. im here as your virtual friend if there's anything i can do.

this week was great. the school finally has started booking me more than 2 people a day. like seriously, it doesn't take 3 hours for hair cut....c'mon people! so i should start being way busy now. it has been so impossible to get a hold of the right people as far as arranging something employment wise in the future. i've left applications/resumes, sent emails, left...
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hey did you get my message? thursday would work best, followed by friday and monday. let me know!
YAY! hi!
i cant believe evelyn is still there. crazy..
will you take me for drives in your volvo???
dammit i have been away for so long i dont even know where to start on the comments. booo!
glad school is good.
glad you are having fun.
glad you love your hair.
pooh on only two clients a day.
grr for having trouble making color appts.
i'm all for the harassment personally.. the squeaky wheel gets the grease, yo.
i cant believe evelyn is still there. crazy..
will you take me for drives in your volvo???
dammit i have been away for so long i dont even know where to start on the comments. booo!
glad school is good.
glad you are having fun.
glad you love your hair.
pooh on only two clients a day.
grr for having trouble making color appts.
i'm all for the harassment personally.. the squeaky wheel gets the grease, yo.

so school was so much fun today!!! we had a styling class all day with the Toni&Guy Artistic director for scottsdale. now, my hair is completely and totally butt straight and they did this diffuser style with the whole Curls Rock line, and did this weird finger smoosh thing and my hair came out all crazy curly!!! then i had her (Evelyn) cut my bangs...
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Thank YOU for the eyecandy!

Your hair looks pretty! I'm getting so bored with growing mine out...takes too long!! I don't think I've had my hair in the same style and colour since I was a wee girl (there's some authentic Scottish language for you!!).
I love make-up too! My best news this week is that Urban Decay are now marking which of their products are vegan. So I had a bit of a shopping spree. Shhh!
I love make-up too! My best news this week is that Urban Decay are now marking which of their products are vegan. So I had a bit of a shopping spree. Shhh!
so i went in and filled out an application at Salon Jo-El. i instantly bonded with the receptionist/stylist that were there. the inside is very "hip," if you will, and they have a mustard couch in their waiting area. i loved it!!!! i've also been investigating what i want my next car to be and i think i like the new volkswagen GTI MkV. it's...
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i think you should aim for a b52s look.
or big texas white trash hair.
i hope you get a chair at that salon.
i suck at wearing any corrective lenses, be glad we drive in separate areas of the country.
or big texas white trash hair.
i hope you get a chair at that salon.
i suck at wearing any corrective lenses, be glad we drive in separate areas of the country.
so i had my first mean crazy client. she was a pill to begin with (i had to correct her color that was fine....she was just in the school last sat). so she's one of those people that comes into a school just to pick on the students. i guess teachers even know of this infamous bitch. so i barely trimmed her hair because i...
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OH, and some people feed off of thst shit. It's like their life blood or something. Fuck her! I had one of those when I was in cosmo years ago. Ms. Agnes, I will never forget her. She's probably still alive and well at 130yrs old due to her emotional vampirism. HA, no worries baby go on brush those shoulders off!
I saw you looking at the naked boobies on this site.
You're in big trouble.
You're in big trouble.
i love great art on the walls!!
i really like that buffet? table? is that what you call that one thing?
great job cleaning and dolce is adorable. bruce looks kinda pissed getting his picture taken, huh? hahah. i love that last pic even if the mirror is dirty..which i dont really think it is..but its a cool picture.

i dont think there is a place where everyone sucks..There must be some cool boys and girls there...
P.S- Your pic is great!!!
P.S- Your pic is great!!!
all the clothes i ordered online came in and i love everything! shopping is truly amazing. it can make a girl so happy
i also went into MAC today and saw my friend. she did some stuff on me and it was great. i guess the stylist for her does extensions, so i think i'm going to get a few in a crazy color to...
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whenever someone mentions extensions to me, the first memory that comes to mind is when i was in the 8th grade, and this black girl said, "its my hair, i paid for it!"
its also wierd that i recently put on my profile that hair extensions arent body mods. not that theyre bad, ive just seen enough retards who list them under the "body mod" section.
and it is my duty as a selfrighteous bitch to inform the world of the truf....
shopping is awesome like that, i try to keep it at a minimum, so when i do shop, its that more fulfilling.
its also wierd that i recently put on my profile that hair extensions arent body mods. not that theyre bad, ive just seen enough retards who list them under the "body mod" section.
and it is my duty as a selfrighteous bitch to inform the world of the truf....
shopping is awesome like that, i try to keep it at a minimum, so when i do shop, its that more fulfilling.
shopping is a super good healer for me too. it makes me so happy!
the extensions sound fun. i had some put in at a hair school about three years ago and they fell out the next day..i guess the girl didnt really know how to put them in yet..
school is going to be over soo soon! congrats on that. and thank you so much for the comment. i never thought i would take this all so easily..but one. i always had known it would happen in the back of my mind and two. i think the close relationship my mom and i had helped a lot as well.

3 more new clients today. went absolutely awesome and got tipped really well. i'm loving this so far
on another note i'm thinking of cutting off my hair. i had a mohawk for a while (yes, a real one with shaved sides) and i've grown it out to where it is now. but i saw this pictures the other day of a short mohawk longer...
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That's so cool that everything is going well. Yay!! I've been having thoughts of going super blonde again...but my boy isn't too keen. He's seen a dodgy pic of me with blonde hair and wasn't too impressed. But I do love your colour of red too. Maybe I should just invest in some wigs? Maybe it's the way of the future. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I've been having thoughts of going super blonde again...but my boy isn't too keen. He's seen a dodgy pic of me with blonde hair and wasn't too impressed. But I do love your colour of red too. Maybe I should just invest in some wigs? Maybe it's the way of the future. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
those earrings rock! they remind me of saturn for some reason.
i used to have this one pair of earrings i loved in middle school but they were too heavy to wear often. they were sharks with little mens legs and feet hanging out of the mouth.
pretty silly. i love that updo. super fancy.
and i like the back of your hair in the profile picture.
i think the mohawk sounds fun...i know what you mean about having such normal hair it makes you feel uncomfortable...
and thank you so much for your kind words. they always make me feel so much better.

and thank you so much for your kind words. they always make me feel so much better.

so spending your day with awesome clients is the best. so far, i have not had one crappy client in school. (knock on wood). all have been very nice, generous, happy people. man oh man, it's a dream career if you ask me! i'm really going to miss the girls at school when i'm done. i haven't been around such a large group of genuinely...
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Hey girlie... thanks for the bday wishes! Glad you're doing good... you look adorable! I went MAC shopping today, with a mall giftcard I had... I spent the whole thing... $250 on MAC... I cant wait to play! Wish you were around here! We'd have so much fun!
i went to dog grooming school with an overwhelming amount of white trash. im not fucking kidding or exaggerating.
the only time i ran into any freeloaders was when someone asked me to teach them how to groom their standard poodles. i wanted at least 300. they didnt understand that they could pay me 300 once or 80 per clip for the rest of the dogs' lives. anyway...
im always happy when you buy more MAC, it usually means more pictures
the only time i ran into any freeloaders was when someone asked me to teach them how to groom their standard poodles. i wanted at least 300. they didnt understand that they could pay me 300 once or 80 per clip for the rest of the dogs' lives. anyway...
im always happy when you buy more MAC, it usually means more pictures

so life is good, though i have a slight head cold. i've been downing Airborne every hour on the hour and it seems to be helping. school is going great....taking clients is awesome! i only have like 340 hours to go. i'll be done and working before i know it and then we can finally move! i took some pictures today of the new uromastyx,...
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If you plan on staying in Scottsdale you should check out Taglio salon. upscale and hip but, not stuffy. super cool people and a great training program.

If you plan on staying in Scottsdale you should check out Taglio salon. upscale and hip but, not stuffy. super cool people and a great training program.

so this week was amazing. i'm taking clients and everyone is loving what i'm's a good time for sure! makes me hopeful to be done with school and making $$ loving what i'm doing
today the boy and i are going to IKEA with my mom. should be fun times....hopefully i won't want to buy everything. my mom was talking about taking a trip...
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see, the difference between you and me is that you moved out of your house sooner than i will.
i "have the money for tattoos'' because i "still live with my parents and can therefore spend most extra money on bullshit" this will end in a couple months though.
i "have the money for tattoos'' because i "still live with my parents and can therefore spend most extra money on bullshit" this will end in a couple months though.
Oh im sooo happy that you are doing well in school.. its sooo awesome to make a client happy with something that you do.. nothing new in my lil world sweetie!!
Take care and have a great day
Take care and have a great day

You always have great pics. I need to get a decent camera to get my whore on. Bah.
Oh...great boobs, by the way