K back from the dentist. I didn't get a pokey thing! YAY! He did use a tiny hammer of death to tap on the bad tooth to show me it wasn't the one I thought I was hurting. That hurt.. but I lived! (ya ya I know.. I'm a big pain baby).
So I left with a prescription for antibiotics and HAPPY PILLS!!! Only I took one 15 mins ago and it's not taking the pain away. Vicodin. doesn't. work. Boooo. Wonder if I can take two? I would call and ask but then I'd be afraid the dentist would send out his tooth fairy hit squad to come take away the ones he gave me. And I still have to have it pulled.. to the tune of hundreds of dollars. I am going to look like an ugly pumpkin. It's not where you can see it unless I smile big but still.
Oh well.. beauty isn't everything.
Okie I admit.. it's working now. I feel all warm and cuddly now. MUST HUG THINGS. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YAY!!!!

So I'm trying to convince my friend to come pick up my daughters KITTENFROMHELL tomorrow and take her to the shelter where some (unsuspecting) family will adopt her and love her to pieces. He's being a wimp. Guy wimps suck. He says I should have Cait do it. He's got little kids.. boy is he in for a rude awakening when they hit 18 and don't listen to a word you say. So I have to figure out something. She's ripped my carpets to shreds. She's clawed my wooden banister. The house stinks because my daughter things once a week catbox changes is cool. And she now sleeps in a cute little kittle pile on the stairs. Where I walk. At night. And will eventually die in a horrible fall over her tiny idiotic kitty body.
Evil in Cat Form:

Okie I have to finish up some stuff so I can make the rent for next month. Goooo me!!
PS: I didn't get the job. They decided to make it a more senior position. I'm a little dissapointed but I'm okay.. I have other opportunities I'm waiting to hear from.
Earlier Today:
Good Morning Buttercups
It's coooold here. (Which I love!) I really really really need a robe now. Brrrrrrrr. II'm drinking a hot cup of tea with honey (Mmmmm) and picking at my bowl of mushy raisin bran and figured I should get blog therapy. I had the coolest dream that I was flying. I want wings!!
This is me when I was little:

Wasn't I cuuuuuuuute? You have no idea what was going on in my life at that time but I managed to still find a happy moment. I'm hoping that superpower has carried over into adulthood.
I've decided I smother the people I love and need to let go more.I'm a fruitbat. I have problems with handling distance. I either cling too tight and smother the people that are the most important to me or my ass is the last thing you see of me walking out the door. The only thing I can compare it to is a panic attack. Trapped inside myself and thinking "WTF!" while I sob and cry and beg and bargain and pressure and push until things are trashed. Or trapped inside myself thinking "WTF!" while I bolt for the door. Yep. Fruitbat. That's me. Though it would be neat to be like Batty from Ferngully.I could have electrodes on my head!
Soo I've decided to try the zen approach. I, insertnamehere, am totally letting go of everything in my life and seeing what happens. I'm not going to overworry on other people and how they're feeling. I'm going to just worry about myself. Focus on finding a place or fixing this one up til spring. Finding a job I like. Getting in shape. Maybe paint again. Do more things and surround myself with people who care about me. Not going to hardcore the self improvement. Just try to enjoy the process. I get dissapointed in me when I fail generally. Gonna try to avoid that whole yuckiness.
So for the last month it's felt like the left half of my face was in the most horrific pain ever. Today I am going to the dentist for a preliminary check thingie. I have hives. All over my body. Dentists t-e-r-r-i-f-y me. I have this mantra thingie going on about having the pain go away. It's almost working.. specially when I get to the part about pain pills (which I can't afford. go me!). I'm hoping they just poke me today and don't whip out the 20 foot long needle. NEEDLES ARE BAD.
Anyway.. have to jump in the shower and scrub myself with yummy smelling girly soap and think happy thoughts. (not that happy.. pervs)
Question: Do you think LOVE is a choice?
So I left with a prescription for antibiotics and HAPPY PILLS!!! Only I took one 15 mins ago and it's not taking the pain away. Vicodin. doesn't. work. Boooo. Wonder if I can take two? I would call and ask but then I'd be afraid the dentist would send out his tooth fairy hit squad to come take away the ones he gave me. And I still have to have it pulled.. to the tune of hundreds of dollars. I am going to look like an ugly pumpkin. It's not where you can see it unless I smile big but still.

Okie I admit.. it's working now. I feel all warm and cuddly now. MUST HUG THINGS. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YAY!!!!

So I'm trying to convince my friend to come pick up my daughters KITTENFROMHELL tomorrow and take her to the shelter where some (unsuspecting) family will adopt her and love her to pieces. He's being a wimp. Guy wimps suck. He says I should have Cait do it. He's got little kids.. boy is he in for a rude awakening when they hit 18 and don't listen to a word you say. So I have to figure out something. She's ripped my carpets to shreds. She's clawed my wooden banister. The house stinks because my daughter things once a week catbox changes is cool. And she now sleeps in a cute little kittle pile on the stairs. Where I walk. At night. And will eventually die in a horrible fall over her tiny idiotic kitty body.
Evil in Cat Form:

Okie I have to finish up some stuff so I can make the rent for next month. Goooo me!!
PS: I didn't get the job. They decided to make it a more senior position. I'm a little dissapointed but I'm okay.. I have other opportunities I'm waiting to hear from.
Earlier Today:
Good Morning Buttercups
It's coooold here. (Which I love!) I really really really need a robe now. Brrrrrrrr. II'm drinking a hot cup of tea with honey (Mmmmm) and picking at my bowl of mushy raisin bran and figured I should get blog therapy. I had the coolest dream that I was flying. I want wings!!
This is me when I was little:

Wasn't I cuuuuuuuute? You have no idea what was going on in my life at that time but I managed to still find a happy moment. I'm hoping that superpower has carried over into adulthood.
I've decided I smother the people I love and need to let go more.I'm a fruitbat. I have problems with handling distance. I either cling too tight and smother the people that are the most important to me or my ass is the last thing you see of me walking out the door. The only thing I can compare it to is a panic attack. Trapped inside myself and thinking "WTF!" while I sob and cry and beg and bargain and pressure and push until things are trashed. Or trapped inside myself thinking "WTF!" while I bolt for the door. Yep. Fruitbat. That's me. Though it would be neat to be like Batty from Ferngully.I could have electrodes on my head!
Soo I've decided to try the zen approach. I, insertnamehere, am totally letting go of everything in my life and seeing what happens. I'm not going to overworry on other people and how they're feeling. I'm going to just worry about myself. Focus on finding a place or fixing this one up til spring. Finding a job I like. Getting in shape. Maybe paint again. Do more things and surround myself with people who care about me. Not going to hardcore the self improvement. Just try to enjoy the process. I get dissapointed in me when I fail generally. Gonna try to avoid that whole yuckiness.
So for the last month it's felt like the left half of my face was in the most horrific pain ever. Today I am going to the dentist for a preliminary check thingie. I have hives. All over my body. Dentists t-e-r-r-i-f-y me. I have this mantra thingie going on about having the pain go away. It's almost working.. specially when I get to the part about pain pills (which I can't afford. go me!). I'm hoping they just poke me today and don't whip out the 20 foot long needle. NEEDLES ARE BAD.
Anyway.. have to jump in the shower and scrub myself with yummy smelling girly soap and think happy thoughts. (not that happy.. pervs)
Question: Do you think LOVE is a choice?
I hope I'm not too late, I wanna catch you while you still need to hug things.

lovely photos!