Happy Autumn Equinox!

Cait and I are getting ready for a family memorial for my Uncle. Cait looks beautiful and I'm proud of her.She's doing really well in school. She and I have been having alot of disagreements lately. It's really bothering me. I know that it's her trying to stretch her wings and me trying to hold on. That doesn't make it any easier. She's my happy thought.

It's apple picking season and she's going with her friends this year. Usually we go together. I'm not sure if I should go alone or with one of my friends. My friends list isn't very long here. Some have moved way, others I've neglected. My best friend is always busy. That leaves mostly my guy friends here (not my long distance ones). And, for reasons I really don't understand, all my male friends that live around me seem to want to have some sort of relationship with me. Be it sexual or whatever.
I have no idea why. Maybe my playfulness is interpreted as flirting. I'm not sure. But I'm not looking for that from them. I just want to be friends with them.
Honestly I should get a giant inflata-mate and put it in my truck so that they think I'm taken and just get down to the business of being my friend. I'm a great friend! They're being dopes.
So that leaves me with pretty much no friends I can hang with around here. I have no idea how to make women friends. It always seems much easier to make guy friends. Eh.. babbling.

I sat out on my mom's porch the other day reading. It was so beautiful out. The leaves are starting to turn and that autumn crispness is in the air. Sooooo nice. I'm currently reading the Outlander series again.
So finished with my makeup and Cait's about ready.... have to leave for the gathering. So answer me a couple questions...
What book are you currently reading?
What's your happy thought?

Cait and I are getting ready for a family memorial for my Uncle. Cait looks beautiful and I'm proud of her.She's doing really well in school. She and I have been having alot of disagreements lately. It's really bothering me. I know that it's her trying to stretch her wings and me trying to hold on. That doesn't make it any easier. She's my happy thought.

It's apple picking season and she's going with her friends this year. Usually we go together. I'm not sure if I should go alone or with one of my friends. My friends list isn't very long here. Some have moved way, others I've neglected. My best friend is always busy. That leaves mostly my guy friends here (not my long distance ones). And, for reasons I really don't understand, all my male friends that live around me seem to want to have some sort of relationship with me. Be it sexual or whatever.
I have no idea why. Maybe my playfulness is interpreted as flirting. I'm not sure. But I'm not looking for that from them. I just want to be friends with them.
Honestly I should get a giant inflata-mate and put it in my truck so that they think I'm taken and just get down to the business of being my friend. I'm a great friend! They're being dopes.
So that leaves me with pretty much no friends I can hang with around here. I have no idea how to make women friends. It always seems much easier to make guy friends. Eh.. babbling.

I sat out on my mom's porch the other day reading. It was so beautiful out. The leaves are starting to turn and that autumn crispness is in the air. Sooooo nice. I'm currently reading the Outlander series again.
So finished with my makeup and Cait's about ready.... have to leave for the gathering. So answer me a couple questions...
What book are you currently reading?
What's your happy thought?
Re: Male friends.... isn't friendship a type of relationship? If you let is stand, it doesn't grow, if you neglect it, it withers, if you feed it, it becomes stronger. Maybe that is just my own philosophy, I guess.
Book, book, book, yip yip yip, uh huh, uh huh. I am reading two right now. The Zen of Writing by Ray Bradbary and How to improve you vocabulary book...
Happy thought:.... I don't know what my happy thought is. I just keep flying because I know I might some day become the hero to somebody.
Have a great day!