Hey, any of you reading out there, I have terriblle time chosing just 1o "top friends" and "faves"...I consider all my friends and faves hot, sexy and/or sweet and it is often too difficult to say which one I love the most...so what should I do? Or should I just not chose "top friemds" or faves at all?
What does it mean to you (Sgs) when you see yourself picked or not?
Help me, sweethearts...

What does it mean to you (Sgs) when you see yourself picked or not?
Help me, sweethearts...

Honestly, although I have seen you now beautifully nude and sort of intimately now, I want to know a lot more about as well as a few certain other SGs.
Believe it or not, just from your precious sets, profile and exchanged messages, I (we) begin to develop a genuine affection, an abiding interest.
Examples: How do you spend your time? Do you work out to maintain such a wonderful body? How did you find yourself an SG? What are your dreams for the future? What is your favorite thing to do? Favorite food? Movie? Do you have a serious boyfriend? Girlfriend? Pet? I know this sounds a bit unbelievable, but although looking at your pics and seeing you in various stages of nude, sometimes does not seem enough. To use a bad cliche: I would like to know you as a "real" person.
Of course, I have deduced you are truly sweet, caring, funny, but I would love more detail.
Please understand, I am not expecting the sharing of "creepy" information i.e., like your address, etc. I do not mean to stuff some psycho stalker could use to track you down. Rather, the kind of things friends would tell each other...
And, although I obviously have a particular "soft spot" for beautiful you, this comment applies to all SGs also. Men, at least not me, are not into simply your perfect bobs or ass, but, also the "you" too.
Anyway, as I have said I find you gorgeous in every sense and am ok with just checking out your heart breaking sets and trade messages, etc. It is just sometimes, I would like to get even better acquainted.
Oh, never mind. I ove exactly like you are and you do not need to thank you for my being your long-distance fan and groupie...who would not support your set? It is sexy, true, but you are a work of art.
beijos (kisses)