Well back again, this time a big quicker than the last time. Today its a bit easier, my wife is drilling, and so I am just hanging out with my son who right now is playing a video game, so figured I would post something here real quick. I am cooking dinner today, Sausages & Peppers, doing them in the slow cooker, very excited to eat them later on tonight.
I have been way to damned busy, we have been so busy we still have yet gotten all the Xmas decorations down for the house yet, just yesterday I took down the tree, and reboxed it, today I am hoping to get it out of here and back to the basement we are storing it in, but not looking like its going to happen at least not today.
I have been way to damned busy, we have been so busy we still have yet gotten all the Xmas decorations down for the house yet, just yesterday I took down the tree, and reboxed it, today I am hoping to get it out of here and back to the basement we are storing it in, but not looking like its going to happen at least not today.