Small ones, phat ones, man or lady ass, white, pink, chocolate, honey coloured, covered in panties, covered by nothing, whipped cream, bite marks, or hand slaps. Do you love to admire butts? Love to discuss ass? Then this is your group. No Spam No links! Any continual violators will be …
From household pets to greater wildlife! All things animals!
Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.
Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive
ATTENTION! All SG members age 30 and over are REQUIRED to join the SG Geezers group! Ya hear me? Now GET OFF MY LAWN, YOU DAMN KIDS!!! While this group is PRIVATE, becoming a member is simple: Be 30+ years old and have your correct age in your profile! If …
Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!
"sports, sports, sports, sports" -Homer Simpson For sports fans and participants, team sports and individual!
Don't you wish you could understand the mixed signals you get from the ladies? Are you sick of boys playing with your emotions? Does your dating life suck? Let's vent! This is the place where boys and girls can share their advice, stories and tips about dating--whatever your definition of …
A group for people who want to make new friends, but sometimes have a hard time with it. Everyone is welcome. Home of the thread-kill.