Guess how im gonna spend it. At Home. yay.... Anyway, important changes in life? Just one new band (not new, just new to me) The Big Sleep. Sick band. Sounds like if AYWKUBTTOD, the bassist Kim from The Pixies, and Ratatat made a albums produced by Explosions In The Sky. FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! I know that's not important to most people, but I listen to my I-pod...
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...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. Fuck Yea!
I feel like the killer of group posts.
um....hello? (developmentally slow cop voice)
My Name is Mike, an this is my first blog. Ever. On any Site. I'm gonna keep it short, but I may eventually start ranting here. I'm catching a buzz right now while i huddle with my dog cause we have no heat! I've been living alone since July of 2013, which is the first time ever. I've always had...
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I lived alone for almost 3 years, just me and my pooch- working and doing school pulling 95+ hour weeks. I had friends but never time to see anyone :(. I time to go home (3 hrs away) I was miserable! I had straight As in college and was a bad ass at both my jobs. I finished school and decided to come home bc I was so lonely :( I hope you figure things out!!!