I was going to type a full update and 1/2 way thru typeing it my computer decided it was time to fall asleep cause i forgot to plug it in. gggrrrr stupid PC laptop.
but here is a photo update instead
here are pics from my birthday week and club suicide and me in my costume n all kinds of fun stuff.

hope you enjoy i promise a full update soon tilll then xoxoxoxo
PS i am starting to like wearing my hair down for once in my life and i learned to apply fake lashes and im loseing weight sooo happy

I was going to type a full update and 1/2 way thru typeing it my computer decided it was time to fall asleep cause i forgot to plug it in. gggrrrr stupid PC laptop.
but here is a photo update instead
here are pics from my birthday week and club suicide and me in my costume n all kinds of fun stuff.

hope you enjoy i promise a full update soon tilll then xoxoxoxo
PS i am starting to like wearing my hair down for once in my life and i learned to apply fake lashes and im loseing weight sooo happy

oh yeah and that top pic is so cute. very girl next door-ish. gayyyyy!
see you in a few days!!! eeeeeh!