The new MSI cd IF is amazing. I love just about every track on the cd. Mindless Self Indulgence has out done them selves. it seems like each cd they put out keep getting better and better.
I also saw the new Harold and Kumar movie last night. And if i may say that is a funny ass movie.
Besides that I am still not feeling well. I went to the super market and bought some herbal pills that im hopeing will make me all better. im hopeing i got the right pills but then again im just guessing on what is wrong with me.
if im not better by tomorrow im going to go to the ER.
for the most part today i am going to be sitting on the couch watching discovery channel and maybe some CSI Vegas, and if i am in the mood for mindless nap tv i may watch some robb and big on mtv2.
for now im going to fill out mothersday cards and anniversary cards.
much love
I also saw the new Harold and Kumar movie last night. And if i may say that is a funny ass movie.
Besides that I am still not feeling well. I went to the super market and bought some herbal pills that im hopeing will make me all better. im hopeing i got the right pills but then again im just guessing on what is wrong with me.
if im not better by tomorrow im going to go to the ER.
for the most part today i am going to be sitting on the couch watching discovery channel and maybe some CSI Vegas, and if i am in the mood for mindless nap tv i may watch some robb and big on mtv2.
for now im going to fill out mothersday cards and anniversary cards.
much love
When did they get THAT big!
Going to go & pick up the new CD today at Amoeba today.
Hope you feel better.
Miss you!