I've got to make a point of finding and reading a book by Sandra Tsing Loh...the recent victims of the latest fit of FCC censorship in the wake of Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction have been Howard Stern, Bubba the Love Sponge, and her. A lot of the time, I really identify with NPR, and I even get KCRW here in Orange County, and it's got some pretty gool music programming...but some of the time, NPR just seems like a parody of itself.
the max I say!!!
San Fran does have the general aura of NYC, though (from my experience), the West Coast attitude is just so fundamentally different than that way over here, that I still can't see them as analagous. And that's not a bad thing - it's like a mixing of qualities that conjures up this fantastic and beautiful city (albeit an expensive one...then again, I've lived in NYC and Boston my entire life, where everything is more expensive than anywhere else). You should absolutely make a trip here sometime.