I'm myself surprised to say that since I got my membership, I've barely looked at the photosets of the SGs on this site. Don't get me wrong, they're all gorgeous, each in her own way (of course none moreso than you, Gentle Reader). And the fact that this site is a pr0n site is a necessary and essential element of SG's character. But it feels more like being backstage than being in the audience.
In honor of Year of the Monkey:
In honor of Year of the Monkey:

i am so glad to hear you say that you determine an attitude shift in your classmates this semester - it seems that everyone in my section (equivalent to your track) has lost the will to live since returning back from winter break. no one can do anything but bitch and moan anymore. no one even wants to go out. at all. we're a very close section and became very tight last semester, mostly beacuse of our shared work-hard-play-hard mentalities. but it's like the soul was sucked from everyone during the vacation. it's all stress and no substance. and it's making me kind of miserable. is this a shared malaise of all 1Ls?
everything ok at school? how's the job front lookin?