hey, my first entry...
I had so bad day, you can't imagine...
When I got up I was still tired from the day before, then I was working and everything
Work was over everything's fine, now it was time to go to the gym... As I arrived there they said "We've closed - the whole week!" AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!! What the hell they think they are?? I have a fight on Feb. 19th!! I have to be in best form, 'cause I don't wanna loose, I don't wanna get injured... But the best: My box-promoter (wanna-be Don King of Munich) ownes this fucking gym! I hate this situation, I hate everything and the most depressing thing: I don't have an oppurtunity in boxing here in Munich - in a town of a population of 1.3 million...!! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
I had so bad day, you can't imagine...
When I got up I was still tired from the day before, then I was working and everything
Work was over everything's fine, now it was time to go to the gym... As I arrived there they said "We've closed - the whole week!" AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!! What the hell they think they are?? I have a fight on Feb. 19th!! I have to be in best form, 'cause I don't wanna loose, I don't wanna get injured... But the best: My box-promoter (wanna-be Don King of Munich) ownes this fucking gym! I hate this situation, I hate everything and the most depressing thing: I don't have an oppurtunity in boxing here in Munich - in a town of a population of 1.3 million...!! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


i think it does work..or atleast it has for me since 97
