This is amazing to me. 3,052 miles in just over 11 days by an 18 year old. No disrespect to Lance, but the Tour is seldom much over 2,200 miles and they take three weeks to ride it.
My soccer season has almost drawn to a close, unless we've succeeded in pulling our heads out of our asses enough to make top four, then we have a tournament ahead of us. We've shut out the last three teams, and we have one more game. It'll be interesting to say the least.
Finally, my promotion took effect today. Over a year of sweating, worrying that my disagreements with supervision in Korea might lead to the cancellation of said promotion. I guess you can get away with calling people that out-rank you "idiot" if you do it respectfully.
Enjoy the holiday.
My soccer season has almost drawn to a close, unless we've succeeded in pulling our heads out of our asses enough to make top four, then we have a tournament ahead of us. We've shut out the last three teams, and we have one more game. It'll be interesting to say the least.
Finally, my promotion took effect today. Over a year of sweating, worrying that my disagreements with supervision in Korea might lead to the cancellation of said promotion. I guess you can get away with calling people that out-rank you "idiot" if you do it respectfully.
Enjoy the holiday.
let me know how you did in the soccer standings...I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I wonder how much crystal light it would take to fill in a pool???
Do you smell butterscotch?
This morning was brutal, feeling icky, trying not to think about it, but that doesn't seem to be working. Feeling very whiney, good thing I have therapy today. Give me a call on your way into work, or I'll give you a call when I get back.