Solomon is 8-years old and suffers from a very rare kidney syndrome called Nutcracker, or in medical terms, Hypertension of the left renal vein. This is where the left renal vein, of the left kidney is being pinched between the Abdominal aorta and the Superior mesenteric artery.
After two years of constant testing, MRIs, CATs, upper and lower GIs, blood tests and countless urine samples we finally go the answer we were desperately searching for. On an everyday basis Solomon looks fine. But over the big picture this syndrome causes him much pain. He has constant hemetera (blood in the urine), severe side and leg cramping. At many different times Sol has been paralyzed by pain and there is nothing we can do to subside his pain, without a hospital visit. Solomon participates in many activities, ranging from soccer, baseball, swimming and rock climbing. But now the syndrome causes so much side and leg pain that he is only able to go a certain amount of time before he has to stop.
At this point in his young life, the doctors have come to a conclusion that something has to be done to ease Sols pain. That only way to relieve his pain is to do surgery. This surgery is called an Auto transplant of the left kidney. This is where doctors will remove the kidney from Sols body, and reattach it in another location using veins removed from his right leg.
So that's Solomon. Not unlike a lot of little kids throughout the world, going through diseases, afflictions, conditions, distresses, and any number of other things that completely rob the magic from childhood, for both the child and the parent, and makes life more like survival.
Anywhoo, there's a benefit this weekend here in Anchoreage called "Solomon's Game." See, Solomon's dad is a member of Soccer Alaska (they run the adult league up here), and Soccer Alaska is running a benefit, a 24 hour soccer game. Sign up for a 4 hour block of playing time for 40 bucks, get a t-shirt, help a little kid out, and run your ass off. What's not to love? That's my plan for tonight after work. Playing soccer from 5-9. Should be interesting.
Raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer....I love "Dogma".
After two years of constant testing, MRIs, CATs, upper and lower GIs, blood tests and countless urine samples we finally go the answer we were desperately searching for. On an everyday basis Solomon looks fine. But over the big picture this syndrome causes him much pain. He has constant hemetera (blood in the urine), severe side and leg cramping. At many different times Sol has been paralyzed by pain and there is nothing we can do to subside his pain, without a hospital visit. Solomon participates in many activities, ranging from soccer, baseball, swimming and rock climbing. But now the syndrome causes so much side and leg pain that he is only able to go a certain amount of time before he has to stop.
At this point in his young life, the doctors have come to a conclusion that something has to be done to ease Sols pain. That only way to relieve his pain is to do surgery. This surgery is called an Auto transplant of the left kidney. This is where doctors will remove the kidney from Sols body, and reattach it in another location using veins removed from his right leg.
So that's Solomon. Not unlike a lot of little kids throughout the world, going through diseases, afflictions, conditions, distresses, and any number of other things that completely rob the magic from childhood, for both the child and the parent, and makes life more like survival.
Anywhoo, there's a benefit this weekend here in Anchoreage called "Solomon's Game." See, Solomon's dad is a member of Soccer Alaska (they run the adult league up here), and Soccer Alaska is running a benefit, a 24 hour soccer game. Sign up for a 4 hour block of playing time for 40 bucks, get a t-shirt, help a little kid out, and run your ass off. What's not to love? That's my plan for tonight after work. Playing soccer from 5-9. Should be interesting.
Raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer....I love "Dogma".
yeah, please do. I'd love to rock them some cashish