So, prety much all the boxes are unpacked, the dishes are washed and put away, most everything is in the room where it's going to stay, and I'm a tired fucker. I'd love to take a few days off to recoup, but I don't want to look at our house in this condition any longer than I have to. So I'm going back to work. BLAH!
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 06, 2005
I was wrong, it wasn't that interesting. -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
Read More -
Saturday Sep 24, 2005
I'm back...for now. I felt I needed to take a hiatus, there are thin… -
Friday Aug 12, 2005
Still not a lot to say. Meh. -
Tuesday Jul 26, 2005
Nothing to say. -
Saturday Jul 23, 2005
Camping this weekend. See ya Monday. -
Sunday Jul 17, 2005
Weekend over, time to go back to work. -
Thursday Jul 14, 2005
I did something utterly and completely foolish and stupid on Saturday… -
Saturday Jul 09, 2005
I'm going away for a while. -
Thursday Jul 07, 2005
Lance is wearing yellow again (natch), and it's almost Friday. Hoora…
Got lots of sleep last night, which is good, but I'm still so so tired. It probably doesn't help that it's cloudy and icky out. Looks like Seattle outside...hmmmmm.....
Miss you too, baby.