Talked to the most important person in my life, changed the locks, got the VoI phone hooked up, hung the speakers for the home theater system, studied for a test, went grocery shopping, went to Hooters, went out for drinks (well, an drink), an slept.
What did you do this weekend?
What did you do this weekend?
I heard you were the man last night. Congratulations! I'm here, you gonna friend me, or what? <giggle>
Thanks for the tip, when I uploaded the picture from my laptop though, it came out all stretched, so I'm going to have "Josie" resize it for me and upload it herself. By the way, it took a minute to realize who the hell you were talking about. I guess I always just refer to her as "Josephene"
You need to talk to that girl of yours, and make her let me help redecorate. Do you really want to sleep under Dale Junior? It's un-fucking-nerving.