Seems like more and more people are "disapearing" off
this site....
Anyway, FINALLY did my set and it turned out good, so wish me luck on getting it accpeted! I know most first sets dont get approved, but at least I had fun!
I have not been on here in so long, so I am sorry I havent kept up with anybody, its just so hard! But I have been checking up on all the lovely ladies
Other than that, not much is going on. I was going to move into this gorgeous house, and then my roomie fucked me over by not filling out the papers. So there has been some tention in the appartment. That and I am not going to be babysitting her son anymore, since she stopped paying me...grrr!
OH! And Im engaged now
ring soon to come!
Well my lovies I must go, keep the sets coming!
this site....
Anyway, FINALLY did my set and it turned out good, so wish me luck on getting it accpeted! I know most first sets dont get approved, but at least I had fun!
I have not been on here in so long, so I am sorry I havent kept up with anybody, its just so hard! But I have been checking up on all the lovely ladies

Other than that, not much is going on. I was going to move into this gorgeous house, and then my roomie fucked me over by not filling out the papers. So there has been some tention in the appartment. That and I am not going to be babysitting her son anymore, since she stopped paying me...grrr!

OH! And Im engaged now

Well my lovies I must go, keep the sets coming!

Good luck with the set, and congrats on the engagement!