Coraline and Push. Awesome movies them both. Want a short review?
Coraline: Ah, Coraline. Stop-Motion graphics at its best. However, I do believe the presentation of a dream/nightmare world was done so well. Honestly, I felt like I was watching one of my own dreams come to life. The "Other Mother", the Cat, the Other Mice... Dakota Fanning as Coraline was great and not annoying at all. She had this "rebel" feel to her, but an attitude most kids could relate to, while Tori Hatcher played Coraline's Mother and "Other Mother" which... heh, was definitely creepy as the controlling monstrosity we(the audience) never quite understand where it came from.
I think that's also another good thing about the story. It never goes into too much intricate detail where everything is explained for its appearance. It allows the audience to deliver their own hypothesis as to where the characters came from and what may be going on behind the scenes.
Coraline is a 4.5/5
Push: Heh, I've read online at some forums that this is essentially "Jumper" with telekinesis. WRONG! This is a great action film, set in an urban Hong-Kong, with super powers.
In a nutshell, it's evil government Agency wants to develop a drug to enhance their psychic soldiers, one of them escapes, our Hero has to find her with some help of some unlikely allies... yada yada yada.
This is an action movie set in the present day. The locations in the Chinese City are vibrant and definitely give the film a different feel from others of its type. The action is filled with "Whoa!" moments, however, they are not full of razzle-dazzle the likes of another certain "mutant" franchise.
Chris Evans as the Hero who at first does not want to save the day but because of what his father says before he dies, decides to help Dakota Fanning's character who can see into the future. This was a different role for her, but just like in Coraline, she was playing this rebellious, cynical teenager and was not annoying at the least. Evans and Fanning have this brother-sister relationship throughout the film and its one of the films highlights. It'd be awesome to have a brother with telekinesis and it'd be great to have a sister that can tell you your future.
It does sort of drag a bit, especially for a movie with super powers. The one gripe I have personally is that it felt like an introduction, not a movie as a whole. By the time you fully grasp the names of the different powers and the scope of where things may be getting to, the movie is over. Of coarse, they left room in the end for a sequel, which I'm hoping there will be one, but even if there is not, the finale ends satisfactory.
A good ride especially if you want to turn your brain off and just enjoy a cool enjoyable movie.
Push 4/5
Coraline: Ah, Coraline. Stop-Motion graphics at its best. However, I do believe the presentation of a dream/nightmare world was done so well. Honestly, I felt like I was watching one of my own dreams come to life. The "Other Mother", the Cat, the Other Mice... Dakota Fanning as Coraline was great and not annoying at all. She had this "rebel" feel to her, but an attitude most kids could relate to, while Tori Hatcher played Coraline's Mother and "Other Mother" which... heh, was definitely creepy as the controlling monstrosity we(the audience) never quite understand where it came from.
I think that's also another good thing about the story. It never goes into too much intricate detail where everything is explained for its appearance. It allows the audience to deliver their own hypothesis as to where the characters came from and what may be going on behind the scenes.
Coraline is a 4.5/5
Push: Heh, I've read online at some forums that this is essentially "Jumper" with telekinesis. WRONG! This is a great action film, set in an urban Hong-Kong, with super powers.
In a nutshell, it's evil government Agency wants to develop a drug to enhance their psychic soldiers, one of them escapes, our Hero has to find her with some help of some unlikely allies... yada yada yada.
This is an action movie set in the present day. The locations in the Chinese City are vibrant and definitely give the film a different feel from others of its type. The action is filled with "Whoa!" moments, however, they are not full of razzle-dazzle the likes of another certain "mutant" franchise.
Chris Evans as the Hero who at first does not want to save the day but because of what his father says before he dies, decides to help Dakota Fanning's character who can see into the future. This was a different role for her, but just like in Coraline, she was playing this rebellious, cynical teenager and was not annoying at the least. Evans and Fanning have this brother-sister relationship throughout the film and its one of the films highlights. It'd be awesome to have a brother with telekinesis and it'd be great to have a sister that can tell you your future.
It does sort of drag a bit, especially for a movie with super powers. The one gripe I have personally is that it felt like an introduction, not a movie as a whole. By the time you fully grasp the names of the different powers and the scope of where things may be getting to, the movie is over. Of coarse, they left room in the end for a sequel, which I'm hoping there will be one, but even if there is not, the finale ends satisfactory.
A good ride especially if you want to turn your brain off and just enjoy a cool enjoyable movie.
Push 4/5

I wanna see Coraline soooo badly!! Thanks on the awesome wishes and support!! I'll be crossing my fingers for you and the Air Force!! Did you already enlist or are you in the process of? Either way, best of luck and kick ass!