Do you believe that your life is on Automatic?
I used to think so. In fact, I hoped for some kind of list of things that I would have to do or go through in order to pass to the next world, dimension, etc.
I've read a bit about being able to create your own world through thoughts, intentions; your spirit (Even just saying that is giving me a huge.. head burst);
Day by day, I've realized the more I appreciate Life, the more Life appreciates me. It does not happen in a Michael Bay way with huge explosions or a deliberate Mysterious Stranger saving my life with a one-liner(Life is way too cool for that), but in the subtle.
A nudge to get off of this exit before I hit traffic, appreciating the dirty work to avoid inner-job strife, seeing not a bad experience but just as an "experience" and using said experience to connect to others...
You know, I was actually going to post up here my experiences on Halloween, this weekend...
But I'd rather share this with you, reader. Just change your mind...
I used to think so. In fact, I hoped for some kind of list of things that I would have to do or go through in order to pass to the next world, dimension, etc.
I've read a bit about being able to create your own world through thoughts, intentions; your spirit (Even just saying that is giving me a huge.. head burst);
Day by day, I've realized the more I appreciate Life, the more Life appreciates me. It does not happen in a Michael Bay way with huge explosions or a deliberate Mysterious Stranger saving my life with a one-liner(Life is way too cool for that), but in the subtle.
A nudge to get off of this exit before I hit traffic, appreciating the dirty work to avoid inner-job strife, seeing not a bad experience but just as an "experience" and using said experience to connect to others...
You know, I was actually going to post up here my experiences on Halloween, this weekend...
But I'd rather share this with you, reader. Just change your mind...

cheers for the pick-me-up dude, take it easy