Wow, how crap am I at updating this thing huh? (Thanks for pointing this out MissV! )
I don't get online as much as I'd like and SG is partly to blame. My laptop keeps getting riddled with viruses and I'm pretty sure SG chat's banner ad's are the culprit. This has been going on for years now. I can't believe they haven't fixed it!
Also I have been busy in my day to day life. I have been trying to hit the gym on a regular basis (grrrraaaaaaaaa) and get i better shape. It'll take time, but in a few months I should start to see some good changes. When the weather gets a little better I'm going to start running by the river for my cardio. I hate cardio, so currently I'm not doing any, but I'm told, from a reliable source, that doing your cardio outside is much more interesting/fun, so I'm going to give it a go.
I'm still hitting the bars. I think my classic line is that I 'Work hard but play even harder', but the inconsistency there is that I'm not working hard at all
I have been applying for a few jobs throughout Canada. It is unlikely I'll get anything back, as they are well advance of my 'on paper' skill set, but I'm still looking.
Other than that, nothing too major to report. Just come and say hi sometime. That goes out to everyone, old friends, new friends, people I haven't spoken to in ages. Come reacquaint yourself with me...I'm awesome!
I don't get online as much as I'd like and SG is partly to blame. My laptop keeps getting riddled with viruses and I'm pretty sure SG chat's banner ad's are the culprit. This has been going on for years now. I can't believe they haven't fixed it!
Also I have been busy in my day to day life. I have been trying to hit the gym on a regular basis (grrrraaaaaaaaa) and get i better shape. It'll take time, but in a few months I should start to see some good changes. When the weather gets a little better I'm going to start running by the river for my cardio. I hate cardio, so currently I'm not doing any, but I'm told, from a reliable source, that doing your cardio outside is much more interesting/fun, so I'm going to give it a go.
I'm still hitting the bars. I think my classic line is that I 'Work hard but play even harder', but the inconsistency there is that I'm not working hard at all
I have been applying for a few jobs throughout Canada. It is unlikely I'll get anything back, as they are well advance of my 'on paper' skill set, but I'm still looking.
Other than that, nothing too major to report. Just come and say hi sometime. That goes out to everyone, old friends, new friends, people I haven't spoken to in ages. Come reacquaint yourself with me...I'm awesome!
shall we be friends??