I'm trying to come back here and comment and 'blog' as much as I can. I really like SG as a community and it has given me great opportunities to reconnect with old friends and make tons of new ones - especially those as perverted as me

Work is as hard and as stressful as ever. They moved me into a slightly different department recently which they claimed 'would be less stressful', but so far has been as bad, if not worse. I'm just trying to shut myself off from work when I'm outside of it as much as possible, but it is almost impossible. I care too much. It has always been a fault of mine.
I have been less motivated at the gym recently too. I got down to 143lbs, but I'm up near the 147lbs mark again now. Having said that, I have done pretty good up until now, as shirts that didn't fit me before, do now and my belly is slowly going:
I discovered last night how evil Martini's can be. They don't taste of alcohol, yet have alcohol in them. I think I made two major mistakes last night:
1) Trying to work my way through a 10 item Martini menu (I got to #4)
2) Doing it after devouring copious amounts of Jack and Coke...what a fool!
I am trying to add new pics to my pics folders whenever I can, so feel free to delve around. The SuicideBoys set is not far behind - I promise! I finally have a couple of ideas for sets. I just have to learn the finer points of self shooting. If anyone has any tips, please feel free to share!
Anything new with y'all?
Nothing too exciting here.. my sister is visiting from my hometown, and thats about it.. we're super different from eachother! haha