I'm trying to play a Metric song on my guitar. Tab and chord sites are basically useless. Guess I'll have to keep using my brain.

I'm really bored right now. Which is pathetic. It's beautiful outside. I ate 3 sticks of hot venison jerky instead. Now I'm playing guitar. Maybe I should take a nap.
Well, the show went well. Rachel and Vince from Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer liked our band, and that's a damn honor to be sure. The venue sucked. I'd never play there again. So unfriendly to bands and to fans alike. Icky icky icky. But except for that, it was fun. Exhausting, but fun.

We went up to Townsend, WI for Memorial Day weekend....
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Hey hey it's Scott from Polyplush Cats and I wanted to throw you a quick message and see if you were able to find us a gig in Madison WI ? Hit me back....We hit the road in the morning ( friday the 2nd of June ) and are looking for the 17th , 18th or 19th in Madison WI...

the house looks adorable. i would be happy to live there.
you seem very cool.
I am so happy! Thank you!
You should come to my housewarming party. I think its going to be in late July. smile
A Motherfuckin' House!!!!!!!!!

Check out my pics for a slice of delicious adorable bungalow pie!

Woo hoo! love love love love
All night I had terrible dreams that were related to every stressor currently in my life, amplified. I hate horrible dreams. Such a waste of good sleep.

I want a fucking house already, and I am sick of the fact that nothing seems to be coming on the market. How can it be a buyers market if there's nothing worth buying???

Fuck fuck fuckity...
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O' my god YES... we would love to play maybe sunday and or monday in Wisconsin. The exact dates are Sunday the 18th and Monday the 19th. I could definitely give you my number ( nothing creepy I promise ) so we could maybe get this ball moving quickly cuz time is ticking. O' hell here goes nothin'. I sent my number to your email so please give me a shout and hook us up with anything and anywhere we can Rock our little hearts out.


Our Myspace page and Our web site ...
Mary and I laughed so hard tonight that I could hardly breathe and we both were crying.

All because I said I put my big toe in her dog's ass and cut up its anus with my freakishly long toenail. That turned into me carving my initials into the dog's ass, then just this spiralling down of ass related jokes. Holy fuck was that fun.
It's 6:30 am and I am enjoying a delicious cup of coffee. I woke up this early to exercise....not sure if I want to do Yoga or go for a bike ride or what. Yoga doesn't hurt my thighs...

I've decided to attempt to go bat-shit crazy and lose as much weight as possible because the size 16 pants are starting to get tight and...
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i bought a bike yesterday!!! let's go biking all the time together, okay? i haven't even gotten to ride it yet. fucking soggy weather.
I'm going to be a pirate for Halloween. ARRR!!!
I want cable! I am bored with this plan of mine to not have cable so I watch less TV! I want Comedy Central and I want Adult Swim! Boo fucking hoo!
you'll get over it soon enough. just forget that there's some cool shit on tv... suddenly you'll be an elitist fuck that scoffs at the mindless fucks watching desperate housewives.

...or you can always rent it on dvd.