Time for an update. It's only been months.
My friend Mac's book is out and I'm in it a bunch.
In the Wall Street Journal's review they mentioned me:
The chapter ends with several pages about Mr. Montandon's drunken excursion through restaurants, bars and a strip club, culminating with his friend vomiting on a sidewalk.
And Men.com said:
The book is far better reported than it has any right to be, with anecdotes about avuncular NASA scientists whose hopes won't die, and dudes who threaten to add "some Hunter S. Thompson" to the tale before downing whisky shots in a Mexico City airport. Just note that this last incident doesn't take place before a flight_though we suspect it wouldn't be a bad idea when the time finally comes.
And I'm the sidewalk vomiting, whisky shot downing friend.
The book is rad, has a bunch more of me and my childhood in it and is at Amazon. If you want your jetpack and are wondering when you'll get it you will love this book.
My friend Mac's book is out and I'm in it a bunch.
In the Wall Street Journal's review they mentioned me:
The chapter ends with several pages about Mr. Montandon's drunken excursion through restaurants, bars and a strip club, culminating with his friend vomiting on a sidewalk.

And Men.com said:
The book is far better reported than it has any right to be, with anecdotes about avuncular NASA scientists whose hopes won't die, and dudes who threaten to add "some Hunter S. Thompson" to the tale before downing whisky shots in a Mexico City airport. Just note that this last incident doesn't take place before a flight_though we suspect it wouldn't be a bad idea when the time finally comes.

And I'm the sidewalk vomiting, whisky shot downing friend.
The book is rad, has a bunch more of me and my childhood in it and is at Amazon. If you want your jetpack and are wondering when you'll get it you will love this book.
Happy New Year!
After spending too much time browsing through all the movies on the wall at my local Blockbuster, at the end, on the bottom shelf, I saw this movie sitting there. I don't go to Blockbuster very often, so I thought it was really cool to see there.