MySpace Exchange From Yesterday
I'm your car accident friend in the silver Mercedes
Strangely, I lost the piece of paper with your info but I remembered your name.
Here's the deal with the car thing:
I've had a bunch of bad car luck over the years. It seems to be my destiny. I've had too many little accidents to count (living in LA for 15 years) and I always wish that when it's minor (and my fault) people would not be all freaky and would treat it as what it is: an accident - not an "on-purpose". And they're big hunks of metal for god's sake. It happens. There is a ding and a scratch on my car. Big deal.
So don't sweat it - but I'd hope for two comp tickets for the next time you play out. And good karma.
Jeremy Kasten
Subject: RE: I'm your car accident friend in the silver Mercedes
Body: Jeremy....
You are so kind. So very kind. Thank you so much....I'm so broke right now it's actually kind of funny. I was wondering how our conversation was going to go when I asked if I could pay you in installments.
but serioulsy, so very kind and generous of you. I share the same philisophy on cars, but if i may add, you have a slick ride! I am truly sorry.... of COURSE when I play, you can bring whomever/whenever for free...i'm hiding out right now because I have a showcase for a label at the end of the month (ahh! exciting!!!) that I am obsessively preparing for. But after that, I will hit the club circuit again and sincereley hope to see you out. Until then, please accept my request for cyber friendship. 
yes, good karma, good vibes, keep the love going. THANK YOU!!!!!!
most humbly yours,
So that made me feel good. And here's some recent pictures.

With monkeysan and Teller napping for monkeysan's birthday.

In Vegas with my visiting ex (the Luxemborger to those of you in the know).

In Vegas.
I'm your car accident friend in the silver Mercedes
Strangely, I lost the piece of paper with your info but I remembered your name.
Here's the deal with the car thing:
I've had a bunch of bad car luck over the years. It seems to be my destiny. I've had too many little accidents to count (living in LA for 15 years) and I always wish that when it's minor (and my fault) people would not be all freaky and would treat it as what it is: an accident - not an "on-purpose". And they're big hunks of metal for god's sake. It happens. There is a ding and a scratch on my car. Big deal.
So don't sweat it - but I'd hope for two comp tickets for the next time you play out. And good karma.
Jeremy Kasten
Subject: RE: I'm your car accident friend in the silver Mercedes
Body: Jeremy....
You are so kind. So very kind. Thank you so much....I'm so broke right now it's actually kind of funny. I was wondering how our conversation was going to go when I asked if I could pay you in installments.

yes, good karma, good vibes, keep the love going. THANK YOU!!!!!!
most humbly yours,
So that made me feel good. And here's some recent pictures.

With monkeysan and Teller napping for monkeysan's birthday.

In Vegas with my visiting ex (the Luxemborger to those of you in the know).

In Vegas.
Dude, is that your condo in your attachment pics folder? Those is one sumptuous pad, my friend!
That would be fantastic, it looks amazing!!!