Some see it as a sensationalized U.S. holiday that typifies our pompus and gluttoness American culture.
They're right.
Some see it a glorification of a meeting - between Native Americans and the English - that resulted in over three hundred years of exploitation and genocide.
They're right.
And if the previous is what you want Thanksgiving to be; that's fine. However, it can be something else....
Something else that, in our pension for rebellion and the anti-construct, gets lost in a constuct of convoluted argument for the sake of argument.
Family... I know to some people it's a dirty word. Believe me, when I tell you, few have more justification for that idea than me. But time sweetens a bitter heart. Even if that's not true in your case, I'm not talking necessarily talking about the "nuclear family". I refer to the consortium of people that are unexpendable in your life. Not that we shouldn't recognize these people all the time, but in the chaos of life things are often over looked. Thanksgiving can be a time when you can slow down and give recognition and thanks for the people that are important in our lives. It is a day when we can recognize all our brothers and sisters; all our mothers and fathers: and this recognition not being exclusive to the prerecognition of our blood.
It's these families that define us: goodly and badly in consequence. They made us who we are and will determine what we are going to be. They hold us together, and sometimes rip us apart. Above all they are the people that constitute our friends, the ones we love, and the ones we can't see ourselves without.
So on Thursday, wether it consists of Turkey and all the trimmings, a tofurkey and lush greens, or a pizza and a case of fourties... take time and give thanks for the people you have in your life and maybe some don't... either by tragedy or choice. Maybe give mom a call to, at the very least, say thank you for slurping your ass out her vagina. miao!! Resist your rebellion for one day and gather up some mates and have a go at it.
On Thursday, I'm thankful that I have two families to go home to. One reconciled from a dubious past, and one made up of brothers and sisters that I couldn't live my life without.
Happy Thanksgiving

holidays are always wierd for me.. this one being my first away from my family.. at least not in the same city. my family = my mom, her man, and my longtime friends back in hell.. a handful of folk really. this year it is lilly and i.. alone. reflection time for sure. holidays..
i miss holidays when i was a kid.. i miss my family i had...